Monday, April 30, 2012

He Came to give life

The readings today remind us why Jesus came into this world – to save us and give us life.

In the first reading, we see God saving the Gentiles as well. Even if the Jews were the chosen people, God also gave life-giving repentance to the Gentiles as well. Then in the gospel, we see Jesus saying that he came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.

Come to think of it, God do not need us. God did not need to send his only Son as a human being. Jesus did not need to die. However, his great, intense and pure love for us made him do so. He died so that we may live. He bore our sins so we could be at peace with the Father. That’s how much God loves us.

Do I feel unloved by the people around me? Do I let other people decide how I feel? IS God’s love not enough to make me realize that I am loved, that I am worth loving and dying for?

God bless!

Surrender to the Good Shepherd

The gospel today reminds us that God is our good shepherd, and that we should surrender our lives to him.

The first reading says that we can only be saved through Christ, and the second reading says that because of God’s love, we can be called children of God. Jesus loves us that he died on the cross for us. He loves us so much that he endured being separated from the father when he bore our sins. We are then asked to trust in Him and surrender to him, just like a sheep obedient to his shepherd.

Have I surrendered my life to God, my Father and my good shepherd? What prevents me from fully trusting and surrendering to Him?

God bless!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


In the first reading, we see the disciples committing their lives and their service to Jesus. They profess that they are convinced and believe that Jesus is the Holy One of God. In so doing, they live their lives as such. We can see Peter in the first reading healing people, even raising people from the dead. Yes, God keeps his promises that he will be with them as they proclaim his word, his kingdom (See reflection  ). What a God we have, keeping his promises to us!

Do we believe God’s promises? Do we believe his word, the bible? When he says he will take care of us and we shouldn’t worry, do we believe (Mt 6:33)? When he says nothing is impossible for him, do we have faith (Mt 19:26)? When he says he will help us in our challenges, do we know for certain it is true (1 Corinthians 10:13)?

May we learn to trust in God, that he will be true to his promises (Numbers 23:19). God loves us so much!

God bless!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Proclaim the word to the world

The readings today ask us to proclaim the word to the world. Tell the world of his love.

In the first reading, after Saul was made aware of Jesus and experienced him, he immediately proclaimed Jesus! From a man zealously persecuting Jesus’ followers, he was now one of those proclaiming Christ! Indeed, he followed Christ’s command to go out and proclaim the good news!

We can only proclaim Christ if we know him. We can only be effective if we have a personal relationship with Christ. IF we see him as he says in the gospel, as the giver of life, and if we anchor our life on that believe, we will be able to proclaim him more effectively because we ourselves believe it so.

How can I proclaim Christ? How can I build God’s kingdom? In our own little way, in the way we live our lives, we can be living witnesses of God’s love, power and greatness. We don’t necessarily have to go to pagan countries and spread the good news. Merely by consistently living a life anchored on Christ, we will be able to proclaim God’s kingdom here on earth.

Let us take this challenge, and start today.

God bless!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obey and submit

Today’s first reading tells of what God can do to and through us if we are sensitive and obedient to him.

The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip and told him to go to a certain direction. He did not ask why, Philip just obeyed. Then he saw a high official, the Ethiopian eunuch, and Philip was told to go and join with the eunuch’s chariot. Again, Philip did not question, he did not fear, rather he just obeyed. Then we see God giving him what he needs to explain about the Scriptures and about Jesus. Then he eunuch had himself baptized, and Philip was carried away by God’s spirit. Astig!

We are reminded again to obey and trust in God. We should be sensitive to him, and just obey as he tells us something. Yes, God equips and he will work wonders to and through us if we just obey him – if we just surrender ourselves and our own will, and let his will live in us.

What particular instance in my life did I let God take control? What great thing has he done to and through me as I gave him control of my life, as I surrendered to him?

Yes, he will do great things to and through you, just submit to him.

God bless!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Eyes on him who equips

In the gospel today, Jesus equips the apostles as he sends them to proclaim the Gospel.

in my name they will drive out demons,
they will speak new languages.
They will pick up serpents with their hands,
and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.
They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover

This reminds us that whenever Christ asks us to do something, no matter how big or small, he will equip us. Come to think of it, astig yung sinabi ni Jesus. Para silang may super powers! Astig si God eh. The disciples probably did not know how to start, where to start, and how to handle challenges along the way. Nevertheless, the obeyed Jesus. They had faith in him. As a result, Jesus blessed them and kept his word.

But they went forth and preached everywhere,
while the Lord worked with them
and confirmed the word through accompanying signs

However, Jesus also warns us that it will not be easy. The first reading tells us that there will be challenges. That the enemy will do his best to distract us from serving God, from putting our focus on God. However, we must remain steadfast, faithful and focused on God who already won the battle. We should humble ourselves and allow God to raise us up, allow God to fight for us because we cannot face the enemy without God

So humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time.
Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.

Be sober and vigilant.
Your opponent the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion
looking for someone to devour.
Resist him, steadfast in faith,
knowing that your brothers and sisters throughout the world
undergo the same sufferings.
The God of all grace
who called you to his eternal glory through Christ Jesus
will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you
after you have suffered a little.

Do I have faith that as God calls me to do something, he will equip me? Do I want to see everything, his plans and what we are supposed to do, before we give our “yes” to serving him? As I serve, am I confident that God has already won the battle, yet humble enough to know that I need him to face the enemy? Amidst all the challenges, am I focused on God all the time?

May we have faith that when God calls us, he equips us – we just need to keep our focus on Him. Eyes on the prize.

God bless!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

He Satisfies

In today’s gospel, Jesus says that “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst” He is inviting us to come to him, to make him our everything. He satisfies.

We all need food to survive. We need nourishment. It is one of the basic needs of human beings. However, God tells us that “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3b)” In as much as we need physical food for our bodies, we need spiritual food for our soul. Only God, through Jesus, can give this to us, that is why he is inviting us to come to him.

If we follow Christ, if we come to him in total surrender and openness, he will give us what no one else can. He will give us food, sustaining our every need in life. As we get to know him and come to him, he will quench our thirst for God, our desire for the truth, our desire for His word.  This nourishment will radiate and satisfy other areas of our lives as well.

Do I come to Jesus for nourishment? Do I come to him in total abandon and with complete faith? In times of troubles, do I seek him more, or do I run away from him, the very thing that I need to get me through?

In our desire to come to him and be one with him, may one day we be able to say what the psalmist and St Stephen said in the first reading – “into your hands, o Lord, I commend my spirit”

God bless!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Believe and obey

The readings today remind us that we should first, believe in Jesus. We need to have full faith in Jesus. Second, out of that faith, we should follow Him. We should live our lives honouring his commandments and following his ways.

In the gospel, when the disciples asked Jesus what they can do to accomplish the works of God, Jesus told them to believe in the one he sent. They should believe in Jesus, the one God sent. Then the psalmist says that we should follow the law of the Lord. Yes, it is not enough that we believe, we should also act – follow God’s commands. As we do these things, we will be blessed – like Stephen in the first reading who was filled with grace and power as he was proclaiming God’s kingdom. Aside from this, we will have peace, like Stephen, that in spite of people challenging us, we know that God is on our side, and that we are peaceful, as shown by his face like that of an angel.

Do I believe in Jesus and his teachings, or do I just select what I believe, those I am comfortable with? What do I do to improve my faith in God? Does my belief and faith translate into actions, or am I stuck in realizations and concepts? What specific thing can I do today to improve my faith and to translate that faith into action?

May we work on building our faith and translating that into action. Little by little, everyday.

God bless!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jesus Saves!

The readings today show us that Jesus saves

In the first reading, we see Jesus suffering to save us from our sins, yet God still loves us so much that he gives us opportunities to repent and correct the way we live our lives. The second reading reinforces this, that Jesus  is expiation for our sins. Yes, sa lahat ng kasalanan natin. However, with this comes a responsibility to know him and keep his commandments. We should also do our part, hindi pwedeng si Jesus lang mag isa.

In the gospel, Jesus saves them from fear and ignorance. He again gave them peace and he opened their minds to understand the scriptures – to know Him more and to serve him better. As we pray and get to know him more, we will be better equipped to serve him and  give him our best in everything.

Jesus opened their minds so they can serve him better, so that they would be better equipped as they proclaim Him. Yes, the disciples kept Jesus commandments. We too are encouraged to keep His commandments. We too are expected to proclaim his word, to be living witnesses to other people of how great his love is, of how real his love is, of how powerful he is, of how merciful he is. These are things we can do everyday, in our own little way, to proclaim Jesus and make him alive through us, through the way we live our lives.

Do I know that Jesus saves? How can I be more like Jesus? Do I constantly pray so I would know Him more and be like Him? How can I make him more alive in my life and in the lives of people around me?

May we remember that in our own simple ways, we can be ambassadors of Christ and make him alive through the way we live our lives!

God bless!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Do not be afraid

The gospel today shows us the disciples seeing Jesus walking on water towards the boat they were in. They were afraid, and Jesus quickly assures them that there’s nothing to be afraid of…then before they could ask Jesus to join them, they immediately got to their destination.

Again, the gospel reminds me not to be afraid. God knows that we are feeling, and he is sensitive to our feelings. He is always telling us not to be afraid, to just focus on Him – his love and his power. As we focus on Him, and as we recognize him, we will realize that there’s nothing to be afraid of, and before we know it, what we were initially afraid of is suddenly gone. Yes, ganon if we focus on Jesus.

Right now, what am I afraid of? Do I realize that Jesus is stronger and more powerful than anything that I am afraid of? Do I come to Jesus? Do I consciously put my focus on Him? How can I strengthen my faith in him?

Stay blessed!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Human origin or Divine?

Sharing with you an excerpt from today’s first reading

So now I tell you,
have nothing to do with these men, and let them go.
For if this endeavor or this activity is of human origin,
it will destroy itself.
But if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them;
you may even find yourselves fighting against God."

This is just something worth taking note of. If it is of human origin, it will eventually die, but if it’s from God, nothing can stop it. In the first reading, nothing, not even warnings or whipping, can stop the apostles from proclaiming the kingdom of God, from spreading his Word. We know that until now, nothing can stop the work of God.

In the gospel, we see a challenge presented. How would the apostles react to this seemingly impossible situation? Yes, at this point, they lacked faith (but we see in the first reading that they eventually learned from Jesus). However, we can see that in here, not even the seemingly impossible situation can stop Jesus from glorifying God.

In our lives, we will face a lot of challenges. They may seem intimidating at first, but we should always remember that if it is not from God, it will eventually die. This was why Jesus was so calm, because he knew what was from God, he had faith in God. Just as he knew it will eventually die, he also knew that nothing can stop God’s work. No enemy is powerful enough to stop God’s work. May we always remember this as we serve and live our lives in glory of Him.

Do I have faith in God? Do I allow myself to trust in Him completely, knowing that nothing can stop God’s work? Am I intimidated by life’s seemingly impossible challenges, or do I know that nothing is impossible with God? Do I allow myself to be used by God, knowing that he will magnify whatever little I can offer to him?

God bless!

In your face

The readings today are the continuation of yesterday’s, and I believe they still give the same message, be poor in spirit (See reflection:

However, I was struck by a particular line in the first reading:

We must obey God rather than men

Imagine the apostles saying this in the face of the “powerful” people during that time. How inspiring! How courageous they were in proclaiming God’s word. Something we could aspire to have as we live our lives.

Sometimes we are not as courageous in living our faith. Sometimes we shy away from defending our faith in God. Sometimes, when faced with “powerful” people, we keep silent and conform to the norms.

What am I afraid of? Am I courageous enough to defend my faith? In what circumstances do I seem to deny my faith? What can I do to improve my faith?

May we be inspired to work on our faith and be courageous enough to defend it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Be Poor

Sharing with you the responsorial psalm today

The Lord hears the cry of the poor

What does poor refer to? Personally, I believe it is being poor in spirit. We could see that in the readings today. The first reading shows us the Apostles being poor in spirit and relying totally on God. They trusted in God completely that they subjected themselves to be imprisoned by the jealous Sadducees. They were also poor in spirit, empty of themselves, and obeyed God when he sent an angel to free them and told them to resume preaching. They obeyed even if they knew the risks. And when they were caught again, they again subjected themselves. They were poor in spirit, empty of themselves and just relied totally in God – like Jesus who obeyed God’s will and subjected himself even until death on the cross.

The gospel says whoever believes in Jesus will not be condemned, and that whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God. We can only truly believe in Jesus and follow his teachings if we empty ourselves of our own selfish and personal desires and allow God to fill us with his spirit. We can only live the truth if we live our lives pleasing to God, living our lives seeking and following God’s will, not ours. We can really be a true disciple of God and make him happy by emptying ourselves with our own desires and be like a poor person, totally depending on God for everything.

What do I think of when I hear the word “poor”? Am I full of myself and my own personal desires and plans? Does God have a place in my life? Am I willing to be poor in spirit and totally dependent on God? What prevents me from surrendering myself and dying of myself so God may live in me?

God bless!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

God first

The readings today remind us who the king of our life should be.

In the gospel, Nicodemus was told by Jesus that “the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” (See related reflection ). We need to put God first in our lives, in our actions, in our work, in our daily life, so that slowly, as we are sensitive to him and as we follow him, we would be changed to be more and more like him. In this way, we would have eternal life with Him.

The first reading shows this being lived by the disciples. They were of one heart and one mind. Everything was communal – lahat hati hati sila. This shows us how much they love one another, how much they see God in one another, that they give more importance to people rather than their own personal material wealth. It is written that as they lived like this, “with great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord” Yes, God was first in their lives.

Today, even if we may not necessarily be able to divide everything with each other, we are still encouraged to witness to God’s love and power. We can put God first if we do not exploit other people, and we show genuine concern for each other. We can put God first if we are sensitive enough to him and listen and obey his will as we live our lives and make our everyday decisions. We can put God first by praying always, keeping in constant communication with him, and getting to know him more. We put God first when we put ourselves and our personal needs second to Him.

May we also be encouraged to put Him first in our lives, even if it is not always easy to.

God bless!

Monday, April 16, 2012

He came at night

The gospel today shows us a Pharisee, Nicodemus, coming to Jesus at night. Probably he did not want to be seen, especially by his fellow Pharisees, talking to Jesus. Probably he did not want to be associated with Jesus. Probably he was ashamed to be going to Jesus, or unsure of what Jesus is all about that’s why he came at night. Whatever is in his mind, Jesus honoured his coming to Him, and still entertained him and answered his concerns.

This made me ask myself – do I also come to Jesus at night?  Do I even come to Jesus? Am I ashamed of my faith? Am I unsure of what Jesus is about, that’s why I am not proud to be associated with him?

May we take time to examine what is in our hearts, and pray for faith like that of Peter and John in the first reading who was not ashamed to be associated with Jesus and defended their faith in Christ.

God bless!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Peace be with you!

This Sunday, Jesus is telling us the same thing. Peace be with you.

In the gospel, when Jesus appeared, he did not scold the disciples for leaving him, he did not tell it to Peter’s face that he denied Christ three times, he did not get mad for the disciples being afraid. Rather, he washed away all that. He gave them his peace. He assured them of his peace. It took away all the concerns of the apostles when Christ gave them his peace.

Jesus is telling me the same thing. Peace be with you. It is okay if you acted in a way not pleasing to me. It is okay if you fell into sin. It is okay if you denied me before by your words, thoughts and actions. I forgive you. I love you. My love is greater than your sin. As he tells me that, he also asks me to live a life pleasing to Him, to get back on my feet and walk towards him, to forget the mistakes I made and just focus on serving him, on loving him.

May we all feel God’s peace, and may we come to forgive ourselves as well. Let us pray that as we receive Christ’s peace, our faith in him may also increase.

God bless!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Am I obeying Him?

The readings today remind me to be conscious and ask myself if I am following what Jesus tells me.

In the gospel, Jesus rebuked his unbelieving disciples. Pinagalitan niya sila. Then he gave them his order – “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” The first reading shows us that Peter and John obeyed, that they preached boldly the Gospel.

Christ is asking me. Eh ikaw?  Do you listen to what I tell you? Do you obey?

Sometimes it is hard to follow Christ. Sometimes it is easier to look the other way. Sometimes it is more fun to do the opposite. Sometimes we are so hard headed and insist on doing what we want. Today, Jesus is reminding us that we should listen and obey to Him whatever it takes – just like Peter and John obeyed him and preached boldly, standing up to their faith even when faced with the high priests, as a result, people were praising and giving glory to God.

May we find it in our hearts to pray for a heart that seeks to listen to God, and is courageous enough to stand up for Him, to do what he tells us.

God bless!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ang sarap kumain!

We Filipinos generally love eating. Yes, ang sarap kumain, that’s why that struck me.

The gospel today paints an interesting scene. I could just imagine what the disciples were feeling. Pagod from working all night and catching nothing. Frustrated. Then may biglang nagsabi sa kanila na ibato sa kanan yung net. Sinunod naman nila. Then came the surprise. Their obedience, their faith, enabled Jesus to bless them in a special way. They caught 153 large fish that their net almost broke.

Eto pa, astig na pagdating nila sa shore, si Jesus nagluluto na! May breakfast na! How wonderful it must have felt, that after being up all night catching nothing, they were given a lot, then breakfast was prepared for them. Iba talaga si God pag nag bless! Sobra!

Jeus used eating, the breaking of bread, to remind them of the Eucharist. He also reminded them to come to Him for food, for he alone can give food that satisfies. Tao talaga si Jesus, he knows how to maximize eating time, and he made good use of that. He turned a simple and normal breakfast into an opportunity for him to have communion and fellowship with his friends, and strengthened his relationship to those who would eventually proclaim his kingdom.

God is telling me to maximize eating, to use it as an avenue to share God’s word and to build relationships. Kapag kumakain tayo, sulitin na natin. Let us proclaim God’s love, goodness and power when we break bread. We can enjoy each other’s company and talk about God in a simple meal. We do not need alcohol or a fancy meal to build relationships. We just need to make sure that in the simplest of things, we include Jesus, and that makes the difference.

How do I react when God asks me to do something? Do I justify and reason out, or do I just obey, allowing him to bless me abundantly?  How do I build relationships? Do I need alcohol or fancy meals to build relationships, or do I know that if I include Christ in the simplest of meals, that is enough to build relationships anchored on Him?

Tara, kain tayo!

God bless!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

He opened their minds

The readings today remind me that it is okay or somewhat normal is we do not understand everything we read in the gospel. Sometimes we just cannot understand God’s message for us, or the readings do not make sense. The apostles experienced this too.

He said to them,
"These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you,
that everything written about me in the law of Moses
and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled."
Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.

The apostles did not understand what Jesus was telling them when he was still with them. Yet, they continued to follow him, to spend time with him. They were rewarded when Jesus rose from the dead and he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. As we see in the first reading, Peter, the one who went away and denied Jesus three times, testified for Jesus

You children of Israel, why are you amazed at this,
and why do you look so intently at us
as if we had made him walk by our own power or piety?
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus
whom you handed over and denied in Pilate's presence,
when he had decided to release him.
You denied the Holy and Righteous One
and asked that a murderer be released to you.
The author of life you put to death,
but God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses.
And by faith in his name,
this man, whom you see and know, his name has made strong,
and the faith that comes through it
has given him this perfect health,
in the presence of all of you

I am reminded to be patient when I do not understand everything I read in the bible. I am encouraged to be like the apostles, who continued to spend time with him even if they did not understand everything he was teaching. I need to continuously spend time with God in prayer and continue to build the relationship with Him, having faith that in the right time, he too will open my mind to understand the scriptures.

How do I react when I don’t understand the bible? What do I do when I can’t seem to understand God? Do I give up on him and walk away, or do I continue to spend time with him, knowing in faith that in his perfect time, he would reveal things to me?

God bless!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What identifies me?

Today’s readings ask me that question. What identifies me? In the first reading, Peter healed a man by Jesus’ name. He had faith and a relationship with Jesus, and that was what he gave to the crippled man. Peter was identified with his actions, he was identified with Jesus – the Messiah, saviour and healer. In the gospel, Jesus was identified by his actions. Their eyes were opened and they recognized him when he broke bread. Then they remembered that their hearts were burning when he was explaining to them the scriptures and why things had to happen.

I feel God is asking me the question – what identifies me? What actions define me? How do I react when faced with challenges, during difficult situations. In as much as it is a question, it is a challenge for me as well. Challenges and difficulties can either make or break us. It would either being out the best or worst in me. God is challenging me to be like Jesus, who shone and reflected God’s love and power during the darkest night, the lowest point in his life. Peter in the first reading used the opportunity to proclaim Jesus and his power. God is asking me to not let challenges get the best of me, but rather let God shine through me during these challenging times. Easier said than done, yes, but possible through God’s grace.

May we accept that challenge, to let God’s light and love shine the brightest during the darkest night. May our actions identify that we are Jesus’ followers, and give glory to Him, not us.

God bless!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jesus calls you

The gospel today shows us Mary Magdalene not immediately recognizing Jesus, until Jesus called her by name. “Mary!” Immediately, she recognized him.

Sometimes we are like Mary, not immediately recognizing Jesus in front of us. Sometimes we are blind to Him and what he wants us to do, or how he wants us to act. Sometimes, we deliberately ignore him because we do not want to do what he wills. However, may we be sensitive enough like Mary, to recognize Him when he calls us by name. However, this can only happen if we have a personal relationship with Jesus. IF we do not know him personally, we really cannot hear him or recognize him, we will not look even if he calls us by name.

Jesus told Mary to go to the disciples and tell what she saw. This was her task. Today, we Jesus calls us, he too has a specific task for us. It may be as simple as telling our friends about Him, or as huge as Peter in the first reading who converted three thousand. Does not matter how big or small we think it is. We should not compare. God wants us to do something specific, and we should just do it, having faith that whatever it is, it will help build the kingdom of God here on earth, that whatever it is, it is part of God’s perfect plan.

Do I have a personal relationship with Jesus? Do I seek to strengthen it by prayer and knowing Him more? Am I sensitive when he calls me? Do I do in faith what he asks of me, or do I question him as he gives me the task? What does God want me to do for him today?

May we seek to build and strengthen our personal relationship with Jesus, and may we be obedient enough to do whatever he asks us to.

God bless!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Do not be afraid

They say that the phrase “Do not be afraid” is repeated in the bible over 365 times, which is enough to remind us everyday to not be afraid and trust in God.

In the gospel today, the risen Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, and his first words were “Do not be afraid.”

They were fearful yet overjoyed as they went away from the tomb. Why? Maybe because they were afraid of what Jesus would say to them or how he would react? Kung totoo ngang nabuhay sya, magagalit kaya sya pag nagkita sila dahil iniwan nila sya? Would they see a ghost that’s why they were afraid? Would Christ still remember them when he sees them? IS he really risen or did someone steal his body? Madaming tanong, takot sila. Yet they were overjoyed too – siguro nga nabuhay nga sya at totoo yung mga sinasabi nya dati… may pag asa pa! Baka nga panalo si God!

Jesus says these words to us today as well. Do not be afraid. Wag kang matakot kung di mo nasulit yung lent, yung holy week – pwede ka pang bumawi. Do not be afraid if you have not yet repented, I am always willing to forgive you. Do not be afraid if you deny me when it’s hard to stand up for the faith – like Peter, I will give you opportunities to make up for it, to show me and yourself that indeed, you love me. Do not be afraid of the scribes and Pharisees, they have not succeeded in killing me – I have risen! Do not be afraid of the enemy, though he may appear strong, I have won over him! I am stronger than him! These are some of the things Christ wants to reassure us today.

What are you afraid of? Have you surrendered all your fears to God, knowing you can’t fight the battle alone, and that you can only win with Him by your side? Do you have faith that He is more powerful than anything and that he will always be there for you?

Today, may we remember what Jesus says to us – Do not be afraid. He is with us. He is for us.

God bless!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday – New life in Christ!

Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!

Christ has triumphed over sin and death! Easter is the most joyous and triumphant event in the church. Christ was born on Christmas, but Easter marks the completion of God’s plan – the triumph of Christ over sin and death! What a joyous and inspiring event!

The readings today are full of joy and inspire us as we live our lives. Yes, they talk of Christ rising from the dead and triumphing over the enemy, however, we are also asked to act. We are encouraged to leave our old sinful selves and put on the new self, the one Christ died for.

Loving God and sacrificing for Him does not end this Easter Sunday. Yes, we are not required to fast until the next Ash Wednesday, but we are still encouraged to continue what we did – to continue doing love offerings and sacrifices for God, to continue fasting and abstinence so we can practice denying ourselves of worldly needs and give space to and allow God to fill our lives. IF we feel we have not given him enough, we don’t need to wait until next Lent to give our love offerings and spend more time in prayer and reflection. We are invited to start today.

What did I do this Lent, this holy week?  Am I excited that lent is over and I can go back to my normal life, or am I willing to continue doing special things for God, to get closer to God? If I was unable to do so this lent, am I willing to start doing something for God, to get closer to him and show my love for him? Am I ready to shed my old live, my old self, and live a new life in Christ starting this Easter?

May we remember how joyous and inspiring this day is, Christ winning over the enemy, over sin and death. Let us continue doing love offerings and sacrifices for God as we live new lives in Christ!

God bless!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Black Saturday – Pray, reflect, wait.

As we commemorate Black Saturday, we are given a lot of readings for the Easter Vigil night.

The readings today show us how powerful God is and how loving he is to us. There are different things that God can say to us about these readings, so it’s best to pray as we read and reflect on them, especially today.

We imagine what the disciples were feeling during this time. What Mama Mary was feeling. Jesus, the messiah who they were with everyday, their leader and source of wisdom and strength, is crucified and dead. How dark, lonely and sad they must have felt.  When we feel these things, let us imagine what they were feeling at that time, and let us remember that God did not abandon them, ever.

The disciples were probably afraid and sad, but there must have been joyful anticipation in their hearts. Jesus told them he will rise again. Now, let us wait with joyful anticipation of Easter Sunday, when God’s promise will be fulfilled. Let us wait on God. Let us wait for God’s plans and promises to come into fruition in our lives. Let us serve him while we’re waiting.

May today, we remember that the loneliness and sadness brought about of things that are happening in our lives should be washed away by our joyful anticipation of God’s plans being fulfilled in our lives. His love and power is greater than any challenge we are facing. Let us pray and reflect that we always remember that.

God bless!

Sharing a link of a song. May it inspire us to continue to serve God while we’re waiting on Him

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday - God loves you

Today, as we commemorate Good Friday, we are reminded by the readings how much God loves us!

In the second reading, we see Jesus as a man, just like us:

For we do not have a high priest
who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,
but one who has similarly been tested in every way,
yet without sin.

He was tempted just like us! He felt the emotions we feel. He must have been afraid to die and to suffer. He perspired blood. He must have been sad when his disciples fell asleep, and when Peter denied him three times. Still, he submitted to the will of God – because he loves God and he loves us so much! Shall I not drink the cup that the Father gave me?”

The gospel recounts his passion. Yes, Christ died for you. He died because he loves you. He died to save you from your sins.

Yet it was our infirmities that he bore,
our sufferings that he endured,
while we thought of him as stricken,
as one smitten by God and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our offenses,
crushed for our sins;
upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole,
by his stripes we were healed

Do I honestly feel that Jesus loves me so much? Do I know that he really died for me, to save me from my sins? Do I know that every time I sin, I crucify him again?  Do I look down on myself and feel insecure that nobody loves me, and forget what Christ, the son of God, did for me? Do I try to repay Jesus’ love for me?

Amidst the distractions of the world, may we never forget the essence of this day.  Let us not forget that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died to save me from my sins, because he loves me so much, because he loves God so much! May I remember this fact, especially when I feel alone and insecure of my worth. May we always remember this and live our lives submitting to God’s will – praising and glorifying him all the time like Jesus did.

God bless!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maundy Thursday - Be inspired by Jesus

Today's readings ask us to be inspired by Jesus Christ.

The gospel quotes the first reading, which says that Jesus is the annointed one of God. The second reading inspires and reminds us of who God is, who the God who appointed Jesus is. Jesus, the son of God, and the appointed one of God, did not have an easy life on earth, but because of his great life for us and the father, he obeyed God's will.

This Maundy Thursday, let us reflect on the comming passion of Christ. Jesus was scared, thats why he perspired blood, but that did not stop him from submitting to God's will. In our lives, may we be inspired by Jesus, to continue to follow God, even if it is not easy, even if it is painful, knowing that God's plan is perfect, and he would be with us every step of the way. Let us echo today's psalm: "For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord"

God bless!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It is not easy

The readings today encourage us, that when the going gets tough, when it’s not easy serving God, we need to continue to be focused on and faithful to him.

Serving God is not easy. Serving God does not mean our lives will be free from worries and troubles. Serving God does not mean we will be free from sufferings or challenges. However, these things should not prevent us from following God, from living our lives in service and worship of Him.

We are called to be faithful to God, despite the challenges in life.

Morning after morning
he opens my ear that I may hear;
And I have not rebelled,
have not turned back.
I gave my back to those who beat me,
my cheeks to those who plucked my beard;
My face I did not shield
from buffets and spitting.

For your sake I bear insult,
and shame covers my face.
I have become an outcast to my brothers,
a stranger to my mother's sons,
because zeal for your house consumes me,
and the insults of those who blaspheme you fall upon me

As we commemorate Christ’s love and power, as expressed in his death and resurrection, may we be reminded that as He was not spared from physical pain, we too will be subjected to such. However, like Jesus, we should remain faithful to God till the end… till we see His glory.

God bless!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Denying Christ

The gospel today reminds and encourages us to live our lives consistent with the gospel values, consistent with what we say.

Simon Peter said to him, "Master, where are you going?"
Jesus answered him,
"Where I am going, you cannot follow me now,
though you will follow later."
Peter said to him,
Master, why can I not follow you now?
I will lay down my life for you."
Jesus answered, "Will you lay down your life for me?
Amen, amen, I say to you, the cock will not crow
before you deny me three times."

Boom. Peter, the rock, the leader of the disciples says that he will follow Jesus and even lay down his life for him. Yet, Jesus says that he will deny him three times! We all know that this came true, that when Jesus was arrested, Peter denied Jesus three times. Nakakainis diba? Ang yabang to say that he will die for Jesus, pero pag nagkaka hirapan na, iniwan sya sa ere. Yes, nakakainis. But come to think, ganun din tayo eh…

When we live our lives in a different way with what we say, we deny Christ. When we say we serve and love him, yet act in another way when we’re with other people or when no one sees us, we deny Christ. When we do things our way, relying on our own skills and talents, rather than relying on Him, we deny Christ. When we do not forgive others who have hurt us, we deny Christ. When we do not make the most of the sacraments, especially the reconciliation and eucharist, we deny Christ. They say that hurt Christ more, rather than the physical pain he was feeling, was the feeling and thought that his friends and disciples abandoned him during his lowest and darkest moment. Let us not add to that sadness Christ feels. Let us do our part and not deny Him.

When we repent, when we choose to live our lives in honor and glory of Him whoever we are with, when we decide to fully focus on him, he will be ready to forgive us. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him, and three times Peter said yes (John 21:15-19). They say this is Jesus way of making Peter feel better, of giving Peter a second chance to serve him. One question for every time he denied Jesus. Jesus is ready to forgive us, question is, are we ready to be forgiven and come to him with humble and repentant hearts, willing to change for Him?

God bless!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Be not afraid

The readings today contain a lot of reminders for us not to be afraid of anything if God is on our side.

There are a lot of concerns as we serve God, as we live our lives. However, we should always be reminded that God has already won the battle – he won over sin and death, so we need not be afraid of anything. We should just have faith that God will help us and guide us as we live our lives in service of Him. The psalmist echoes this prayer of faith and confidence in God

The Lord is my light and my help.
The Lord is my light and my help;
  whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
  before whom shall I shrink?

There is nothing God cannot do. The gospel says that he even raised Lazarus from the death! Even death is not powerful enough for God. These things remind us not to be afraid of anything and just put our focus on God and his power as we serve him, as we live our lives in service of Him.

Am I afraid of anything? Do I attribute to the enemy things that are happening to me? Do I focus too much on the enemy and what he can do, rather than focusing on God, his love and his power? How can I keep my focus in God? How can I strengthen my faith in God?

May we always be reminded not to be afraid of anything because God is on our side.

God bless!

Palm Sunday

As we celebrate Palm Sunday and welcome holy week, the readings make us think of a lot of questions...

Are we using our God given talents to encourage those who need it?

Do i call out to God for help, or do i rely on human.capabilities?

Do i feel that God sometimes abandons me? What do i do? Do i rebel? Do i patiently wait in faith? Do i realize that sometimes, its our fault why we feel God is abandoning us, because we are going away from him?

Do i empty myself of my selfish concerns and allow God to fill me up?

Do i give God my best as i serve him?

Do i make use of the Eucharist?

Do i abandon Jesus when its hard to follow him?

Am i ready to lend a helping hand to others?

Do i realize that everytime i sin, i crucify Christ?

May we make the most of this holy week, and seek to grow in love and faith of our Lord.

GOD bless!