Saturday, August 31, 2013

Start Small

The WORD today (see reminds me that God does wants us to do the right things even at small scales.

They say that great things start from small beginnings. I believe this is true. We have to start small, take baby steps, and do things right in a small scale, and not want to do it big or start it big at once.

There are a lot of people I know that say they will help the poor when they reach the point that they have a lot. Kapag mayaman na ako, tutulong na ako sa mahirap. This is a noble desire, but most people will never consider themselves rich, or have a lot. We will always want more. We will always feel we need more, especially if we compare ourselves to other people.

We have to start now even if we start small.

In the gospel, the master did not immediately give the servants huge amounts. They gave them small portions. Then after they invested and did the right thing, we see the master giving them bigger responsibilities. It does not matter how much they made, what matters is they did the right thing with the little they had.

In life, God does not expect grand results. God does not expect grand gestures of service, of our faith, of love. OF course, God would love those, but God would be happy as long as we do things right, even at small scales. Then eventually, he would give us bigger responsibilities, bigger opportunities to do things for Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for a Saturday. Thank you for your love, that knows no boundaries. Lord., I ask that you give me a humble and obedient heart. May  I always be ready and willing to do things for you, to do the right thing, even at a small scale, even if it may seem insignificant. Lord, I am working for you, not for other people, and what matters to me is that you are happy with my actions, with my life. May I always be reminded of that. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, August 30, 2013

Be Wise

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to be wise as we live our lives here on earth.

At first read, the gospel seems harsh. Ang damot naman.bakit ayaw mamigay ng mga meron pa. Diba sabi ni Jesus we should share with others, that sharing is caring? Initially, that was what I felt. However, looking deeper, we can see what God wants to tell us.

God wants us to be wise. How? In the gospel, the wise virgins had extra oil, while the foolish did not. The oil differentiates them, and we can say that the oil signifies good deeds. Good deeds can’t be given by others to you. it is something you have to do for yourself. It Is something you have to work for to attain. Good deeds, working for God, serving God… these are things we cannot share with others. And God calls us to be wise and have these things in “Stock” and have lots of it to be ready when he comes.

“Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour”

God does not want us to be up all day wating for him. In the parable, even the wise virgins fell asleep. So staying awake is more than just physical, it is being ready when he comes. Being prepared. Whatever we do in this life we have, we should not forget that calls us to be wise, and wants us to be wise and prepared to meet him.

Father God,
Thank you for today! Thank you it’s Friday already! Lord, thank you for your wisdom, thank you that even if I don’t understand things at first, you will never fail me as long as I keep faithful to you and search you. Thank you for being true to your word, that if I seek you, I will find you, if I seek you with all of my heart. Lord, I pray that as I live my life on earth,  I may be wise and prepare so that when I meet you, you will be glad to see me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Challenges in Life

The WORD today (see reminds me that everyone of us experiences challenges in life.

They say that as long as you live, you will always have problems, or challenges in life. And the only time you will be problem free is if you die. True.

Everyone. No exceptions.

Good and bad alike. Much more if we’re good, if we follow God.

Jesus experienced a lot of challenges here on earth. And he said that everyone who comes to follow him will also experience the same in their lives. As we see and commemorate today, St John the Baptist also experienced it, even before Christ did. He was brutally killed, his head cut off, as a result of doing good – of proclaiming and standing for what is right. Unfair? Probably in the worldly sense, but God’s wisdom is far from our understanding.

As we live our lives, especially as we follow Christ, there will be a lot of challenges. It may seem unfair – we serve God, we do good, we give our time, talents and treasures for Him and his kingdom, but we still have a lot of challenges. Seeing worldly people prosper may also distract us and make us question. However, these are times when we just have to trust in God and his wisdom and his perfect plan for us. We just have to be reminded of Jesus and people who follow him, like St John, who endured challenges as they were faithfully doing God’s work. And be comforted that as we experience these challenges, we are walking the path of Christ.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for giving me another day to live, to work, to serve you, to know you. Lord, I thank you for the challenges I experience in life – because I know that these challenges would help me become a better person. I know these challenges are ways of strengthening and purifying me. And as I experience these, I ask that you continue to help me, to bless and protect me, that I may always be faithful and always be strong to continue serving you despite these challenges. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

He is Everywhere

The WORD today (See reminds me that God is everywhere.

When I was diagnosed to have astigmatism and was given glasses, I felt uncomfortable. It was weird having something in my face all the time. Then someone told me not to mind it, to not be conscious of my glasses and act as if it’s not there. True enough, eventually I became comfortable with it and felt that I did not have them on.

The psalm today reminds us of something similar – that God is always with us, that God is everywhere.

However, just like the glasses, it is our decision to ignore him and take him for granted. It is our decision to see him in everything, or forget he is in everything and in everyone. Same as true as we live our lives – it is our decision if we will live for him, knowing that he sees everything, or if we will live for ourselves, acting like he is not around.

May we be moved to see God in everything and everyone, and live our lives like it.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live and serve you. Lord, I am sorry for taking you for granted, for acting and living my life as if you’re not here. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart that will always be aware of you. May I always see you in everything around me. Also, however hard it may be, especially when I see people I don’t like, I pray that I may see you in everyone, so that I may treat everyone in a way I would treat you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

From the Inside Out

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should clean ourselves from the inside going out. 

It is easy to clean the outside. For example, cars. There are a lot of carwash which provide cleaning services. You don't even need to go to a carwash. You can clean the car at home, and it won't take a lot of time and effort. However, what requires more time and effort is cleaning the inside of the car - the interior, the engine, among other things. 

Today Jesus says in the gospel...

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
You cleanse the outside of cup and dish,
but inside they are full of plunder and self-indulgence.
Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup,
so that the outside also may be clean.”

As with cars, what requires more time and effort, and what is really important, is that we are clean from the inside. Being clean inside would eventually be manifested outward. 

It is easy to seem clean. It's easy to go to the church, go to outreach activities and relief operations, help the less fortunate. It's easy to show others you go to mass, confess and serve. However, this does not guarantee the inner state of the person. 

May we work to have a clean heart, a clean spirit first. Clean and pure motives and intentions. May we pray for these, so that eventually, these things will be manifested in our actions. 

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Lord, I pray that you help me have a clean heart. Purify my thoughts, purify my spirit, purify my heart, so that my actions would follow what is inside me. Amen. 

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, August 26, 2013

Wrong Focus

The WORD today (see reminds us to focus on the right things.

Most people nowadays have a smartphone. Instead of having dedicated cameras to take pictures, people now use smartphones. And these smartphones sometimes have an option to focus on certain things before taking shots. This way, the person can make sure that the focus is right, and the emphasis is given to the proper area. If the focus is not set, the image taken is sometimes blurred.

This is the same if we are out of focus as we live our lives.

In the gospel, we see examples of people not having their focus on the right thing. The scribes and pharisees were influential people at that time. They could have used their influence to bring people to God, but they did otherwise. They prevent people from knowing God. They focus on the gold, on earthly riches, than the heavenly ones.

How about us? What is our focus as we live our lives.

All of us will eventually meet our creator. And when we do, it doesn’t matter what earthly thing we have accomplished, what worldly thing we have accumulated. What matters is how many people we brought to him, and how we lived our lives – for God of for ourselves. May we be reminded to have our focus right as we live our life. As they say, you only live once – so live it right.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the holiday – an extra day to rest and spend time with my family and with you. Lord, I pray that as I live my life on earth, my focus would always be on the right things. Help me not to get distracted and always have my eyes on you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Narrow Road

The WORD today (See reminds me what the narrow road to Christ entails.

I attended a 7:30 AM mass earlier, and the homily of the priest was a great way to start my day. He talked about the narrow road towards God.

It is not easy to enter through the narrow gate, but everyone can through it.

In the road, there are signs that tell us if the road ahead is going to be narrow.. Narrow roads, gates and spaces are not easy to enter, unlike wide roads. That is why more discipline is required if we want to enter the narrow road, tha narrow gate. If we want to pass through the narrow road, we should be more careful. We should be sensitive to our surroundings and to other motorists on the road, so as not to get into an accident. Unlike with wide roads that we tend to just speed away and be more careless, because there is more space, more opportunities to do what we want.

Same is true with narrow doors. Some buildings, and churches are huge, but have narrow doors – some just enough for people to go inside. Some even allows just one person at a time to go in. This requires us to be mindful of other people, to have discipline and leave behind unnecessary things that cannot pass through the narrow gate. Unlike buildings with wide gates, which sometimes causes chaos.

The road towards God, towards his kingdom, is narrow. It is not easy to get to him. it requires discipline, sacrifice, and love. It requires us being mindful and sensitive to other people. Good news is, everyone can pass through it. May we be challenged and at the same time, encouraged, to walk the narrow road and pass through the narrow gate towards God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for waking me up early, thank you for starting my day early and in a great way. Lord, I thank you that hopefully, this is my last working weekend, at least for the next month. I pray that I may be able to glorify you as I work this weekend. Lord, in a special way, I also ask that you help me life my life in the narrow road. IT may be difficult, but I know it is possible. And as I meet you, may I be ready to enter through the narrow gate, with only essential things with me. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why Do You Believe?

The WORD today (see makes me think why I believe in God.

They say everything has a reason. Everything that happens has a reason. And there is also a reason why we believe certain things. In the  gospel, Jesus asks Nathaniel: “Do you believe because…”

Sometimes we are like that. We believe because…

We believe God because we are taught so by our family, school, or community. We believe God because we are born with that thinking. We believe God because he blesses us so much. We believe God because we need to believe in something greater than ourselves. We believe God because we need him to help us get through the challenges in life.

So, why do you believe?

May we be challenged by this question, and look inside ourselves to see why we believe. And when the going gets tough, when we are faced with life’s challenges, like Job, may we continue to believe in God, continue to love in him, and continue to trust in him despite the challenges we encounter in life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for the gift of life. Thank you also that even if I have to go to work this weekend, I am healthy and I have work. Lord, again I ask that you help me praise and worship you through my work, through all the things I will do this weekend. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, August 23, 2013

God is Simple.

The WORD today (see reminds me again how simple God’s commandments are.

Other religions may have many laws and commandments. As Catholics, we follow the ten commandments. However, in the gospel today, we see the basis of these commandments – Love for God that flows to love for others.

We do not have to memorize a lot of things as we live this life. We just have to remember one word. Love.

God asks us to love him first, above everything, above everyone else. Love God with all we got. Love God first. Then this love should flow to other people. It should not stop at ourselves, it should not stop with us loving God. We have to apply it to others and love others as we love God.

As we live our lives, we may have a lot of rules and policies. In our work, in our communities, in our families there might be different things we follow. However, we are reminded to not be overwhelmed and not to lose focus on God, on the essential things in life. Everything else should be rooted from this. Love for God that flows to love for others.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you it’s Friday already. Thank you, that even if I have a busy, working weekend, I was able to rest this week. Lord, thank you for loving me first. I am able to love because I experience your love. May I always love you first, may I always think of you and put my focus on you. May I live my life loving you and serving others as I my love for you flows to them. In a special way I also lift up to you my sister Katrina. As she celebrates her birthday today, I pray that she would always feel your love, blessings, and protection in her life. And as she does so, may it move her to action and enable her to continue to love others and in her own way, be Christ to others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dressed For The Occasion

The WORD today (See reminds us that God wants us to be properly dressed for the occasion

Not being dressed for the occasion is a very awkward feeling. It goes both ways – being overdressed and underdressed. It is important that one dress appropriately for the specific occasion.

The gospel tells us of a story – a king calling a wedding fest. The original invitees did not attend, so the invite was opened to all. However, the king daw someone not dressed for a wedding garment, and it enraged the king.

Why? Paano kung mahirap lang talaga yung tao at walang damit na pang kasal?

They say the clothes were not a problem that time. When the king invited people, it was said that he also prepared the clothes for them to wear to the feast. How cool is that? Libre na ang pagkain, libre ka pa sa damit! That’s how festive and how well taken care of the guests were. So we can understand the king expecting, and in this case, demanding the guests be in the proper attire.

What is the significance of this in our lives? This does not happen anymore anyway. Right?

We know that God, our king, invited us to the feast – heaven. It is now up to us if we will heed his call, if we will go to the invitation. However, it does not end there. We cannot just say we want to go to heaven, and show up there. We need to be dressed appropriately. As the king gave clothes, God also gave us this life to wear properly. He gives us opportunities to shine for Him ,and to prepare for us attending the feast. Then when he sees us, we will know if we prepared enough – if he will be happy to see us in the feast, appropriately dressed, or if he will get mad at us attending not being properly dressed, and send us away.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you that after days, I now see the Mr. Sun again! I thank you for new life, for a new day, for new opportunities and for your mercies that are new every morning. Lord, thank you for inviting me to the feast. You know I want to be there, so I ask that you help me live my life preparing for it, so that you would be delighted to see me appropriately dressed for it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Envy and Generosity

The WORD today (see reminds me how much evil being envious can bring. 

God is a generous God. His standards are not the same ours. That is why in the gospel, he gave the same benefit to those who worked a bit as to those who worked the whole day. 

Unfair to those who worked for the whole day? Probably, in the twisted sense of the world. We would think those who worked more should be given more. 

However, they were given what was told them. God just decided to be extra generous and gracious to others, like the ones who worked last, like the repentant thief he brought in heaven. 

Again, we feel like this because we focus on ourselves. If the people had not known there were late comers who got the same benefits as them, probably there wouldn't be a problem because they got what they expected, what they were told. Being envious changed everything. 

Looking at our lives, we have enough. We can read, can write, can eat, can move about, can breathe, can work. We may not have much, but we have what we need to survive. We are contented. Problem is, when we look at other people and see things they have that we don't. That's when things change. 

May we focus on God, his generosity and grace, and not on our own concerns, wants, and feeling of envy towards others. 

Father God, 
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live, and to rest. Lord, i pray for those still affected by the typhoon. Continue to protect, bless, and keep them safe. I also ask your help lord that i be able to focus on you and be thankful for the blessings you have been graciously giving me, and not dwell on what I don't have and and be envious of other people. Amen. 

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It’s All About God, Not You

The WORD today (See reinds me that life is all about God, not me.

In the gospel, we see God calling Gideon and asking him to serve God in a mighty way. However, Gideon initially did not receive it well. He had a lot of doubts, of questions…

But Gideon answered him, “Please, my lord, how can I save Israel?
My family is the lowliest in Manasseh,
and I am the most insignificant in my father’s house.”

Why was he like this? Was he not trusting God? Does he think God is not that powerful?

A lot of times we are also like Gideon. When God asks us to do something for him, something we think is big or something we have not done before, we tend to question – “why me?” or “Can I really do it?.” This shows one thing – we focus too much on ourselves. We focus on what we think we can do, on what we have previously done, on what we think we are capable of.

God does not choose us based on our qualiications. He looks at our heart. And as we are called to serve him in different ways, we should not doubt as we look at ourselves. Rather, we should focus on him and be excited at what he can accomplish as he uses us. The gospel says that nothing is impossible with God. He can do anything, and he can do mighty things to us and through us.

As we are called to serve God. may we not look at ourselves and focus on God, for God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called.

Father God,
Thank you for today. It is still rainy, and I pray that you keep us safe, especially those greatly affected by the typhoon. Lord, may this not dampen our spirit, but enable us to focus on you and hope on you. Lord, I am sorry for looking at and focusing on myself as you call me, thinking that it is only through my abilities that I can serve you.  Sorry for the times I doubt you, times I doubt your powers and what you can do to me and through me. Also, I am sorry for the times I feel so confident and proud and believe I can do whatever you want me to do because of my own abilities and talents. May I focus on you as I serve you, never on myself. Amen.

Have a safe and blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bad Lapse

The WORD today (See reminds me to be aware of possibility of having bad lapses in faith.

It is very difficult to change habits because these habits were formed over the years. For example, a lot of people want to quit smoking. Yes, it is good while they can resist the temptation, but once they light a stick, some end up smoking more than before they stopped. Same goes true for those who radically change their diet. Some do cohen diet and are very pleased with the effects on weight loss. However, once they stop the diet and start eating normal, some also end up bigger than their original size.

In the faith, this is true as well. In one of the gospels Jesus warns us to replace evil with the holy spirit, because if we don’t, the evil spirit that was cast out will invite more spirits stronger than it, and it will be worse for the person than the original state. In the first reading, we see this as well. People would relapse and do worse than their ancestors – displeasing God more.

As we follow God, falling down is inevitable. We are human beings, we have the tendency to sin. However, when we sin, we should not allow ourselves to be distracted, not allot ourselves to be disappointed at ourselves, not feel that we are hopeless and helpless. If we do so, it will be easier to fall into the bad lapse, to become worse than the original state.

God is good. God is gracious. God is merciful. We should remember this, and focus on this as we try to get back on our feet and following Him again after we fall.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another week.. Lord, as I start the week, I ask that I always have the focus on you. as I follow you, I will sin and hurt you, but help me Lord not to wallow on this, rather, put my focus on you and use your love to help me get back on track in loving you, in living for you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Let Go Everyday

The WORD today  (see reminds me that we need to continuously let go of all the things that is not of Christ

Yesterday, I was reminded not only to choose God, but to live my life as such. Today, I am again reminded to let go of everything that is not of God.

…let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us
and persevere in running the race that lies before us…

Choosing God is not a one-time big time decision. It is a daily process, daily decision. We have to be persistent in choosing him, especially after every time we fall. Sometimes when we fall, when we sin, especially after saying we love God and we want to follow him, we can become disheartened. We lose hope on ourselves. We are disappointed with ourselves. We may feel we are making no progress. However, Jesus tells us otherwise. We should persevere in the race.

What should keep up from giving up, from being disheartened and disappointed? The same person who inspired us to begin the race as well – Jesus. The reading continues…

… while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus,
the leader and perfecter of faith…

As we live our lives on earth, and try to live for God, we might fall from time to time. However, we should not lose hope, not be disheartened, and just focus our eyes on Jesus as we get up on our feet and run the race for Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another Sunday. Lord, I am again working today, but I still thank you for the blessing of work. Thank you that I am able to move about freely, to think, to breathe, and do to things for you. Lord, I pray that you help me keep my focus on you. As I live my life for you, a lot of times I will fall. I am sorry. Help me to get back on my feet, ask for your forgiveness, and persevere in running for you. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 17, 2013

You Decide

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to decide who we shall serve.

Jesus said to his disciples in one occasion that “whoever is not for me is against me. (Mt 12:30)” IT shows that we are either for God or against God, no in between, no 50-50. In another verse in the bible, it says that “but since you are lukewarm water, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” (Rev 3:16). Yup, God wants us to choose.

In the first reading, we see Joshua, Moses’ replacement, telling the people to decide. He did not force the people to choose to serve God, he just told them that he, together with his household, will serve the Lord. And eventually when the people proclaimed they will follow God, Joshua held them accountable, he told them that it is not enough to proclaim it, that with the decision comes the accountability, that we should live our lives like it.

God wants us to decide, and act on our decision. We cannot just serve him when we feel like it. We cannot just love him when we feel loved and blessed. We cannot follow him just when we want to. We cannot live double lives. When we decide to choose him, it should be a hundred percent – a total dedication of our lives to him, choosing him in every big and especially small, seemingly insignificant decisions of our everyday life. These small decisions actually prove we love him, these small decisions actually develop our character – wether or not to follow traffic rules when no one is watching, wether or not to obey our parents and other authorities in our lives despite differences in our opinions, wether or not to do good even if no one can see and will acknowledge us.

May we decide to choose God, and follow him always.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another weekend. Though I have a busy weekend ahead of me, weekend that will require me to work, I thank you because of the gift of work. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart that would always decide to choose you. May I always be optimistic and see how I can choose you in the little and big things in life, and as I work this weekend, I pray that I be able to give you my best and glorify you with whatever I am doing. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related song:

Friday, August 16, 2013

Hardened Heart

The WORD today (See reminds me that there are a lot of consequences for having a hardened heart.

Divorce is a sensitive topic. Currently, the Philippines is one of the few countries who still not to allow divorce. We see in the gospel that divorce, even in the time of Jesus and even Moses was a sensitive topic. However, when Jesus explained that divorce should not be allowed, he also mentioned that not everyone would be able to understand it.

Therefore, what God has joined together, man must not separate.”
They said to him, “Then why did Moses command
that the man give the woman a bill of divorce and dismiss her?”
He said to them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts
He answered, “Not all can accept this word,
but only those to whom that is granted

Maybe in this particular situation, Jesus was referring to the teaching about divorce or the vocation of married life – that not everyone is for it, that not everyone can accept it. However, I believe that this is true in other aspects of our faith as well. Not everyone can accept it.

There are a lot of things hard to accept. It is hard to accept that we should surrender our lives to God and die of ourselves because we want to be in control of our lives, we want to enjoy life. It is hard to accept that we should carry our cross because we do not want to experience sufferings. It is hard to accept that we should love others first, because we want to put ourselves first. It is hard to accept that we should obey God, because there are a lot of times his will is against what we want, when we think we know better. Is it hard to do all these if our hearts are hardened to God.

Jesus tells us today not everyone can accept these things. Question is, are we one of those people? Do we submit our will to God, and die of ourselves and our desires, no matter how hard it is? Are we willing to carry our cross so we can be one with Jesus in his suffering as we prepare for eternal life with him? are we willing to love others first, and put their welfare above ours, even if they are unlovable people? Are we willing to obey God and the church leaders even if we do not always agree with them, even If we think we know better?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you it’s Friday! Lord, I pray for a heart that is made after yours. Slowly transform my heart to become more and more like yours. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,