Saturday, May 31, 2014


The WORD today (see makes me think how people would react if I visit them.

People react differently to a visit. If someone annoying is going to visit you, you may schedule an activity just to postpone a visit. One is definitely not excited to get a visit from an annoying or negative person. However, a visit from someone you regard highly is most welcome. One fixes the house, brings out the best plate and utensils, just to prepare for the visit.

As we celebrate Mary's visitation to Elizabeth, we see how Elizabeth reacts to Mary. She was excited and glad Mary visited her and her baby also leapt with joy. Indeed, how blessed Mama Mary is. And when she heard this, she responds by glorifying God!

How about us? How would people react if we were to visit them? Do we bring gladness, excitement and good news? Do other people see us bringing blessing from God? Or would they hide and run away from us, because of our negativity or attitude?

God is in each and everyone of us. May we be able to bring that out as we interact with others.

Father God,
Thank you for this day, and this weekend. Lord, thank you for constantly visiting me through different people. Lord, help me build my relationship with you. May my presence remind them of how great and loving you are. May I be a blessing to others I interact with. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hurt No More

The WORD today (see reminds me that when the time comes that we are already with God, we will forget all the pain and hurt as it will be overpowered by the joy in our hearts.

Man is inherently good.

There may come to a point that wrong decisions are made, but when God calls the person from this world, we usually just remember and talk about the positive, the good things they have done...because those are what touched us, what stuck to our hearts.

In the gospel, Jesus reminds us of something similar. All the pain and hardships in this world is incomparable to the joy of being with him.

" but when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has been born into the world. So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. "

We may experience challenges as we live in this world following God. We may experience pain and hurt. However, Jesus reminds us that even if these things crush us now, it will be incomparable to the joy of being with the Father for eternity. So we should just be faithful and continue despite the challenges and hurt, looking forward to the day we will forever be with God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Thank you for the reminder that there is great joy, great reward waiting for me in paradise with you. Give me the strength and will to be faithful to you, and the faith to just focus on you all throughout. I know it will all be worth it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hold On or Let Go

The WORD today (See reminds me that we should pray so we would know when to continue holding on and when we should already let go.

I had a discussion with a friend some years back, about how one would know if one should continue to hold on and keep on fighting or when it is time to let go. It is hard to know the right time, and there is no hard and set rule to know when to hold on and when to let go already. This is in applicable in many things - relationships, career, business, etc. it differs per situation, so the only thing we can do is to really pray for guidance.

We see this in the first reading. Paul did not immediately give up on preaching about Jesus. Every sabbath he tried to preach and convert the people. He was holding on, but he also knew when to give up. We saw that he told the people that he already gave his best. Was he tired or annoyed so he gave up? Probably. But it may be more of concern for others who he cannot preach the message to if he was too focused on convincing these people. There are willing and ready hearts just waiting for him, that’s why he had to let go and move on. This is the timing only God can tell us.

We may be faced with similar situations. We may be trying to convert or help a friend or a family member. We may be trying to do an initiative that cannot seem to take off. Let us pray for God's guidance so we would know if we should still continue and hold on to what we want, or when it is already time to let go and move on.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Lord. i ask for your guidance in the things I do, in relationships that i have, and in my career/business. Help me know if I should continue to hold on, to fight, and to wait...or if it is already time to let go and move on. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Choose What You Want

The WORD today (See reminds me that sometimes, we just choose what we want to hear and listen to.

People with problems or are confused tend to talk to a lot of people. They say that they want to get as much input and perspective before they decide on doing something. However, a lot of them already know what they want, even before they ask others. They're just waiting for that person to tell them what they want to hear before they do it.

This is how the people in the first reading reacted. Not a lot of people appreciated Paul when he preached about God. Only a few flowed him. The rest were contented to worshipping an unknown God, and for then to just live their lives as it is.

We too are presented with choices everyday. God reaches out to us in different ways. When we pray, God answers us in different ways. His answers may not always be what we want to hear, but may we be open and surrender to Him, and not wait for the perfect excuse for us to do what we really want.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for always being there for me. Lord, I am sorry for the times I flee from you and do not follow you. Help me surrender. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me how important it is to discern God's will, especially when it seems obvious or in our favor.

A lot of us ask for signs from God, especially when we are going through something or deciding on something. Lord, if you want me to move to another job, send a yellow butterfly in my window tomorrow morning. Lord, if you want me to say yes to my suitor, let him give me white roses on Tuesday. Or if someone is going through a tough time financially, and sees a bag full of cash left in the washroom, one may say that Lord, thank you, this might be your gift for me, the answer to my prayers.

Good thing Paul did not ask for signs in the first reading.

As they were imprisoned, they still worshipped God. And when God came, opened the doors and unlocked their chains, they could have viewed it as God's helping hand in letting them escape, they're doing his work anyway. However, if they did escape, the guard would have killed himself and he and his household would not have been saved.

We need to know how to discern God's will in situations. God's will is not only what is good for us, but probably it is more for others. By constant prayer, worshipping and praising God, we are sure we are aligned with God, we are in synch with His heart, and we would be able to discern what God wants us to do, especially when it is not the most favorable for us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to love. Lord, help me always be good with you. May my heart always beat next to yours, so that in every situation, be it big or small, I may seek your will, regardless or not if it is the most favorable one for me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Monday, May 26, 2014

Just Listen

The WORD today (See reminds me how important and powerful listening is.

Not a lot of people have the gift of listening. Most of us want to speak, to talk about ourselves, our issues, concerns and dreams. That is why real listeners are rare.

In the first reading, we see how important listening is.

"One of them, a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth, from the city of Thyatira, a worshiper of God, listened, and the Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what Paul was saying."

A good reminder for us. Some people say they don't want to go to mass because they don't like the priest, or because they don't like other people in church, or because they won't get anything anyway. However, we see otherwise in the story of Lydia. She was probably just like us. We both believe in God. We have work or business just like her. And probably she was not expecting anything great or extraordinary as she went to listen that Sabbath, just like what some of us feel when we go to mass... But God opened her heart and changed her, just because she was listening. God could not do it if she was home or attending to her business. God opened her heart as she was listening...and God can do that to us as well.

We may not like the priest, or church or people. But we are encouraged to continue attending Mass, prayer meetings and gatherings and just listen. And as we faithfully do so, let us have faith that God will surprise us and open our hearts and change us, maybe not radically like Lydia, but bit by bit.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for all the blessings. Lord, I am sorry for the times I get lazy to attend mass and other spiritual activities. From now on, I commit to be faithful and continue to listen to you. And I know by faith that you will also work in me, and open my heart ad change me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, May 25, 2014

No Orphan

The WORD today (See reminds me that with Christ as our Father, we will never feel and never be orphans.

The gospel today reminds us of Jesus' promise.

"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you."

How reassuring. In this world, a lot are changing. People change their minds and attitudes. Nothing is constant. Loyalty is only to oneself. We see it very evident in Politics, where former allies and best friends turn against each other to protect oneself. We see this in the workplace when a friend suddenly stabs you at the back just to look good on the boss. These things make us feel alone or helpless - like orphans. But Jesus tells us otherwise.

As long as we remain in Him, and do his will, we will never be orphans. Christ himself promised us this. He will always be with us. No matter how much the world pushes us down, his love will always accompany us and bring us up. We just have to trust in him and be faithful, especially during challenging times.

When was the last time I felt alone and helpless? How did God help me? What did I learn about God's love, power a protection? Do I believe his word when he says we will never be orphans?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another sunday. Thank you for your promise and assurance that we will never be orphans. Thank you that in Mass, you assure us physically through Eucharist that you are always with us and in us. Lord, may I always remain faithful to you and may my faith be unwavering, especially during times of challenges. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, May 24, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that a life in service of Christ is not easy.

We usually hear of Christ's promises as we follow him. The rewards for faithful servants and workers in his vineyard. However, today we see him reminding us that it will not be an easy task.

"If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. Remember the word I spoke to you, ‘No slave is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you"

As followers of Christ, we are not of the world, so we will not enjoy the things given to children of the world. We will experience challenges and persecutions as we go against the world in following Christ. This is not meant to scare or dishearten us, rather, to warn us. And when we actually experience it, to encourage us as we are being assured that we are doing God's work as we experience worldly challenges.

The more we experience challenges, the more God will use his power to keep us going. May we just remain faithful.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another weekend. Lord, I pray that I be able to faithfully do your work as I live my life on earth. May you be glad and be glorified. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, May 23, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that we should act and not just be satisfied with realizations.

There are a lot of people who seek comfort in talking to a friend. It makes them see things from a different perspective. Conversing with someone mature and someone you trust is also makes you realize things, and helps you see what needs to be done in a particular situation. However it does not end there. Hindi puwedeng puro realizations lang. We cannot be contented to just having realizations without actually acting upon them.

We see this in the first reading. Yesterday, we see Peter explaining to them what they should do and how should they act. Yes, they understood and got the point. But it did not end there. Today, we see them actually doing something from that realization. And that act brought great joy to those who received it.

God wants us to live this way. He sends a lot of people along our way. People who take care of us. People who listen to us. People who makes us see things in a different perspective. These situations make us realize things. Things we should start doing, and things we should stop doing.  However, nothing will happen and nothing will change if we don't act.

A tree will not grow by itself. You have to work on it. You have to nurture it. Same with our lives. We won’t grow and improve if we won’t act.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the reminder. Thank you for sending people along the way to talk to me, to listen to me, to guide me.  Lord, may I always be sensitive and see you through them. And as I do so, may I act upon my realizations and turn them into reality. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, May 22, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that only God can complete us.

One of the more famous romantic movie line is from Jerry Maguire. Three simple words: You complete me. A lot of people can relate to this, both hopeless romantics and not... Because most people feel incomplete and are looking for something or someone to complete them.

In the gospel, we see who can complete us: Jesus. Our hearts are restless until they rest in Jesus. No matter how successful, rich, famous and powerful we are, if we don't have Jesus in our lives, we will never feel complete.

Corny but true.

The world cannot satisfy us. We would always be wanting for more. For what others have. For what else we want. Only God can fill us with joy and peace that completes us, that satisfies our soul.

Let us allow God to fill and complete our lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for thursdays. Thank you for all the blessings you have in store for me today. Lord, I am sorry for the times I seek joy elsewhere. Sorry for the times I seek comfort and consolation in the world. I know that the world cannot satisfy me, Lord. So I ask you to fill me up and complete my life, so I may be able to give back to you through others. Amen.

Blessed thursday!

In Christ,

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Remain In Him

The WORD today (See reminds me how we need to be connected and rooted in Christ.

A tree cannot bear fruit if disconnected from the root.

Makes sense? Root in this context refers to not just the physical root of the tree, but the root of life and fruit of the tree - the nutritious soil.

In the gospel, we see Jesus repeating multiple times: I am the vine, you are the branches. Remain in me so you will bear fruit. Multiple times. And if repeats it a lot of times, we know that he is serious. So we should listen.

No act, no matter how simple, is futile, if done out of love for God. No matter how simple we think our actions are, if it is rooted in Christ, then it will bear fruit. In the same way, nothing grand will bear real fruit if not done rooted in Christ. Worldly success and actions are very temporary. Eternal are the ones with Christ in it.

May we know which one to do.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Lord, I know that my actions will only bear real fruit if done out of love for you, if my actions are rooted in you. Help me to always be. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Not Giving Up

The WORD today (See reminds me that we should never give up in times of hardships.

You reach success when you overcome challenges.

This is what I believe, and this is what St Paul did, as we see in the first reading. He is regarded as one of, if not the greatest evangelist. However, he did not have it easy. We see people stoning him in the first reading. Yet, he knew this was necessary, or normal as we do God's work, for Christ himself experienced these challenges and sufferings.

“It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.”

Life is not easy, but is manageable. May we never give up, hang on to God, and do our best as we live our lives and as we do God's work. And have faith that eventually, we will reach success in spreading and building God's kingdom.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for the reminder to be steadfast. Lord, thank you for the challenges that keep me strong, and remind me that I am in the right direction. Give me strength in times of challenges, and be with me as I reach success for you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Not Us, But Him

The WORD today (See reminds me that we should always give back the praise and glory to God.

In the first reading, we see Paul do a mighty deed in Jesus name. But the people did not understand it, and thought that it was Paul and Barnabas themselves who did the act, and they were worshipping them, offering sacrifices. Paul and Barnabas, however, did not let this distract them. They did not enjoy the recognition and bask in false glory. They did their best to point to God, to let the people know it is God they should worship, not them. The psalmist echoes this, "not to us, O Lord, but to your name give the glory".

There may probably come a point in our lives that we will experience something similar. People would commend us for good work, for great talent or for great outcome of our endeavors. Yes, we probably worked really hard to achieve these things, but may we never fail to realize that ultimately, everything came from God, and every praise, recognition and glory should be lifted to him and not for us to enjoy.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Lord, I pray that you help me keep my focus on you. Help me achieve great things as a testament of your love and blessing. Help me shine for you. But do not let me stray and forget that everything should be given back to you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Strong Foundation

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should have a strong faith foundation whatever we do.

Some think that being a pilot is easy, especially nowadays where airplanes are very advanced in technology. There are gadgets and tools which tell the pilots what to do, and there are even autopilot modes that would direct the plane in reaching the destination. Yes, it might be easy when things are normal. But it becomes challenging during situations needing the technical expertise of the pilot, like in emergency or crisis situations. Their specialty may not always be seen or used, but it is very important as they do their work.

This is similar to the requirements in the first reading. What the community needed were men who would so seemingly simple things -  to serve at the table. It may be literal serving, or others say that it is managing the allocation of resources of the community. May be simple, but the apostles' requirements for this is not administrative qualities or expertise, but to be spirit filled and with wisdom. As they do things, they should be deeply rooted in faith, so they would be able to properly do their task in the way God wants them to, especially during challenging or tempting moments.

God wants us to be deeply rooted in him. We may not be doing hardcore ministry or evangelization work, but God still expects us to be rooted in him. This will enable us to live the way God wants us to, and will help us make the right decisions, especially in times of trouble and temptation.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another opportunity to spend time with you. Lord, I am sorry for the times i put you in the backseat of my life. Sorry for focusing on myself and my dreams. Lord, give me a heart that would desire to grow closer to you, and the will to act to make it happen. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, May 17, 2014

In Jesus' Name

The WORD today (See reminds me that Jesus name is very powerful.

Jesus name is very powerful. In the bible it says that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth. (Philippians 2:10). Saying Jesus name is also the simplest way of praying (CCC 2668).

In the gospel today, we see Jesus telling us how powerful his name is.

And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it.”

However, his name is not magic. We cannot expect that saying his name will grant us whatever wish we have. His name is not something you can blackmail God for. We should have faith as we say his name. We should have a good relationship with him as we pray in his name. We should have one goal - to glorify God, not ourselves, as we ask in his name. Then as it is in accordance to God's plans, what we ask for will be given us.

May we always remember how simple yet so powerful Jesus name is. And make it our simple yet effective prayer.

How do I treat Jesus name? Do I treat it with reverence, or has it become a normal name r expression for me? Do I pray and ask in Jesus name?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Thank you for your love and your name. Thank you for a simple yet very powerful prayer - Jesus. May I always be reminded of your great love and power through Jesus name. In a special way we ask that you welcome in your kingdom all the souls of our beloved, and may you comfort and strengthen the family they have left behind. In Jesus name, Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,

Friday, May 16, 2014

No Fear

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to have no fear as we face life's challenges.

One of Manny Pacquiao's sponsors is the brand No Fear. They say this is his battlecry - no fear, as he faces opponents. He believes in this as he faces opponents - in the boxing ring and in the bigger arena of life. In fact, one documentary he made in 2004 is entitled No Fear: The Manny Pacquiao story.

This is also what Jesus told his disciples in the gospel today. No need to fear.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me."

As Jesus assured his disciples in the gospel to have no fear, he too is assuring us that we should have no fear as we face life's challenges. There is no need for us to be troubled. God is on our side, and he is watching over us. God is bigger than our problems, so we just have to have faith in Him - his word, power and his love for us.

Times may be tough, but we should not fear, because God is on our side.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for all the blessings. Thank you for all the challenges. Thank you for reminding me that there is no reason for me to be afraid. Life is challenging. Problems may be big. But I know that you are bigger than my problems, that you are more powerful than difficult situations in my life. I trust in you Lord. I have faith in your love, power and goodness. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Servant Leader

The WORD today (see reminds me that God wants us to serve others.

In the movie Coach Carter, one of the scenes that i will never forget is when Coach Carter was being pressured for not letting the athletes with failing grades play. He even cancelled practices so athletes can study. For him, they are student athletes, so being a student comes first before playing basketball.

We see something similar in the gospel. After Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, he told them that they should also do the same. As their leader served others, so too should they serve.

Jesus ways is not the same with the world. He was a king, a mighty leader, but instead of making his slaves work for Him, he did the opposite. He worked more than his followers, and he even served them. Washing of the feet was done not by all slaves, but only the lowest of the slaves. So him doing that is a grand gesture of service. Servant leadership. Service comes first.

As we live our lives, we are reminded that we should also do the same. Being a leader or achiever in society does not exempt us from doing what our king did - to serve others. May we never let success, power or fame get in our head, but strive to be like Jesus - a servant leader. Service comes first.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for reminding me how much you love me. Lord, may I always be ready and willing to be your servant. May I always be ready to serve you through others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Order to Love

The WORD Today (see reminds me that God commanded us to love each other.

In today's gospel, we see Jesus telling us twice that we are commanded to love each other. It says:

"This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.
This I command you: love one another.”

If he says it twice, he must really be serious! And it is not a request or a favor. It is a commandment. That we should love one another.

He commanded us to love one a other. Not just to love him. Our love for God should be lived as we love one another - especially those unlovable. It is easy to love family and friends, those who have been good to you. But God did not say to just love those easy to love. In the same way he died for us, we too should also die of our desires and allow God to love others through us.

Loving one another does not always entail pain or sacrifice. We can love others by not joining people who treat an annoying or weird person badly. We can love others by sharing our food to those who does not have much. We can love others by lending a listening ear to a friend who is depressed and lonely. Simple things, done out of love, become great actions.

Who does God want me to love in a personal way today? How can I love him/her? What is Jesus telling me about love?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to love. Lord, help me love others because I love you. In my own little way, may I remind them of your love. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that we will never be stolen from God's hands.

An excerpt of the gospel:

“No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand.”

Unlike worldly things and accomplishments that can easily be stolen, we cannot be stolen from God's hands. No matter what the devil does, he cannot force us out of God's hands. He can tempt us all he wants, but he cannot force us into sin.

Reassuring, right?

No one and nothing can steal us out of God's hands. However, only we ourselves can decide to move out of God's hands. If we give in to temptation, if we follow the ways of the world, if we choose sin over God, then it is us who are choosing to move out of God's hands.

Nobody can force us out of God's hand. Nobody can steal us. The decision to remain or move out is ours.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to work and do my best for you. Thank you for the assurance that nothing and no one can take me out of your hands! But Lord, I also ask for strength and wisdom to always choose you, to always decide to stay in you, and live that decision. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, May 12, 2014

Love 'til Death

The WORD today (See reminds me that God loves us so much.

I attended a wedding two weeks ago, and the priest's homily struck me. He said that it is 'foolish' in the worldly sense to get into marriage. A husband should be ready to die to protect his wife. Literally. Crazy, right? To step out of the comfort zone and not think only of oneself.

This is what Jesus is telling us in today's gospel. He repeated three times that he was willing to die for us. And he did. Nobody took his life. Nobody forced him to. He just surrendered and died to save us, so that we may live.

Christ is true to his word. When he says he loves us, it is true and he was able to prove it. And until now, he still continues to prove it to us, everyday as we are given the gift of life. No matter how the world makes us feel, Christ's love is unchanging. And we are reminded of it, and as we feel and realize it, may it cause us to love him back through others.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to feel and experience your love. Thank you lord, even if a lot of times I take your love for granted. Sorry that I don't appreciate your love. May you never get tired of loving me and of reminding me of your love, and as I I feel your love, may I always be ready and willing to love you through others, especially the least, the last, and the lost....even when it is uncomfortable to do so. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Voice

The WORD today (see makes me think if God's voice is clear in my life.

There is a competition in television called "The Voice" in which coaches would choose their team members based on their singing voice, not on the appearance or stage presence. These coaches know how to determine a good singing voice when they hear it. They know what they are looking for in a voice. This is similar to the gospel reading.

“When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice”

The sheep knows the voice of the shepherd. No matter how many thieves or robbers come to lure them, they do not follow because it is not the voice of the shepherd. Amidst all the distractions, they know the voice of their shepherd when they hear it.

This makes me think if I am like the sheep who knows the voice of the shepherd. A lot of things are distracting me in life. Work struggles and dreams.  Health issues. Family concerns. Financial responsibilities. Social acceptance. These could overpower the voice of God, the one true shepherd of our life. To be able to make sure we distinctly hear his voice, we should practice hearing it, and do our part. Praying. Reading the bible. The sacraments. These are things that would help us recognize God's voice in this world.

May we take time off today and make sure we seek and hear God's voice.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to know you more, to pray to you, to hear your voice. Lord, sorry for the times I fail to hear your voice in the busyness of life. May today be the start of me being more conscious of hearing it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, May 10, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me how God's love can transform us!

When Jesus was arrested, Peter denied Jesus three times. So frustrating from a man considered to be the leader of the apostles. However, God did not give up on him. His love transformed Peter to the man we see in the first reading. Proclaiming God's kingdom. Healing the sick. And even raising the dead. What a transformation!

God does not give up on us! No matter how much we hurt him when we sin. No matter how much we deny him in the way we live our lives. His love endures. And as long as we allow Him, he will transform us and change us to do great things for him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for all the blessings and for this weekend. May I always allow you to love me, Lord. For I know that your love transforms. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, May 9, 2014

Step Out In Faith

The WORD today (See reminds me that God calls us to step out of our comfort zone and step out in faith.

The story of David and Goliath is one of the more popular stories in the bible. It shows how great God is. Imagine David, from being a shepherd, was put up to face one of the biggest enemy Goliath. But God was only able to use him when he allowed himself to be used. When we stepped out of his comfort zone and trusted in God to do what he himself cannot.

In the first reading, we see a couple of stories of that as well. Saul was asked to step out of his comfort zone and serve Jesus whose very followers he was persecuting. Then Ananias was also asked to step out of his comfort zone and minister to Saul, a fierce persecutor of christians. He initially did not want to, but God assured him and he eventually obeyed.

In our lives, God will ask us from time to time to step out of our comfort zone. But as he does, we have his assurance that he will take care of us. We just have to obey and trust in him.

When was the last time God asked me to step out of my comfort zone for him? What happened when I did?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for all the blessings. Lord, sorry for the times I say no to you and give in to fear and doubt. May I have faith to always be willing to step out of my comfort zone in faith. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Don’t’ Stop, Keep Going

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to keep going, especially when times are tough.

In sports and even in life, you build stamina and you improve not when things are normal, but when things are difficult. You build stamina in sports when you continue to run and give your all even if you are tired already. In life, you improve and build your character if you continue to do the right things even if people or the situation is difficult. That's how you improve. When you keep going.

In the first reading, we see the eunuch do the same. He was reading scripture even if he does not understand what he was reading. He just kept reading. He kept going. And God sent Philip to enlighten and baptize him.

Things may not be perfect. It never will be. But we are encouraged to keep going. Keep doing what is right. Keep praying. This will build us up and improve us. God sees us, and will reward us. See video link and be reminded on how God wants us to keep going as he works with us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for all the blessings. Lord, life is not perfect. I have lots of challenges. There are times I am tempted to give up, or just compromise. But Lord I know that you do not want that, and you don't deserve that. So I ask that you help me to keep going ad living your way. May this praise and glorify you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

No Rejection

The WORD today (See reminds me that God does not reject anyone that comes to Him.

Rejection is such a difficult and hurtful feeling. Men feel so depressed after being rejected by the woman they like. People feel down and sad when rejected by the company they want to get into. Students feel it too when rejected by the school they want to enter. Rejection makes people think twice about trying again, since they don't want to experience the feeling of hurt or depression being rejected brings.

God knows this. That's why in the gospel we are reminded he does not reject anyone.

Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me

Yes, he does not reject anyone. In the first reading, we see Saul persecuting christians big time. He went from house to house to get and persecute christians. However, God did not despise him. In fact, he called Saul to serve him, and when Saul came to his senses, God did not reject him, instead, used him to proclaim His kingdom.

As we live our lives, we are reminded that we too will never be rejected by God. As we come to him in the sacrament of reconciliation, he always forgives us as long as we come to him fully repentant. No matter how sinful we are and how much we hurt him, he will never reject us if we come to him. And as he accepts us, he calls us to serve him like Saul. If we say yes to serve Him, God will use us mightily.

What are the rejections in my life that have hurt me deeply? Do i ask God to heal me from those hurts? In what ways have i hurt God? Do I come to him for forgiveness?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another opportunity to be forgiven. Lord, I am sorry for my sins and for continuing to hurt you. I come to you deeply repentant, and i know you will never reject me as I humbly and repentantly come to you. As I do, use me Lord to glorify you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,