Friday, February 3, 2012

Who do you get strength from?

The first reading today reminds us who we should get out strength from. David, when he defeated Goliath, was a young shepherd, inexperienced in war, but trusted so much in God. We see in the first reading where he got his strength

Since he called upon the Most High God,
who gave strength to his right arm

His intention was good, his heart was in the proper disposition, he had faith. That was all God needed to make him defeat the big, experienced warrior Goliath. God was glorified through that.

Nowadays, it’s easy to be distracted by a lot of things. Sometimes, we think that technology, knowledge or power is enough for us do great things. Sometimes we feel that these things can substitute God in our lives. These things give false security, and can easily be used by the enemy to lead us astray and far from God.

May we be reminded of the first reading, that we should get strength from God. May we always be humble before God, realizing that everything we have or know came from Him, and we cannot boast of anything of our own. Let us consistently seek his help and guidance in all that we do, and may we strive to praise Him with the way we live our lives.

God bless!

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