Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Shine for God

The readings today remind us that we should shine for God – that all our actions should magnify and glorify God.
The gospel shows Jesus telling his disciples to be salt and light. In ancient times, salt was used not only to give food taste, but mainly to preserve food. Salt is not the main ingredient or the focus in cooking. If it was, food will be salty. The same way, as disciples of God, we should preserve not food, but the people God has chosen. We should preserve God’s kingdom in whatever capacity we can, and as we do so, the focus should never be on ourselves and what we are doing, but on God, his greatness, his kingdom.
Jesus also tells his disciples they are the light. Not just ordinary light, but light of the world. A lamp does not keep light to itself. It is put on a lampstand to illuminate the house. Again, focus is not on the light. As we work for God, as bring light into the world by proclaiming his kingdom and serving God, focus should not be on our accomplishments, or on how many people we’ve helped or brought to the faith… Focus should always be on God. As Jesus tells them, people should see our good deeds and glorify your heavenly father.
We see an example of this in the first reading. Elijah, by the grace and power of God, helped a widow about to die of starvation. The entire time, Elijah was glorifying God. He did not claim the miracle on his own credit. He was always pointing to God as the reason for the flour and oil being present. By allowing God to use him, Elijah glorified God by his actions.
We need to have faith to be used by God.
Elijah was told to go and rely on a widow. Widows are one of the poorest in a community, so probably Elijah was thinking why God asked him to rely on a widow. Nevertheless, he obeyed and had faith in God. The widow, on the other hand, knew she and her son was about to die of starvation. However, when a man of God came to her, she had faith in his words coming from God, and relied totally on God. In the end, both were rewarded. Faith.
Do I excel in the things that I do? Do I give my best in what I do? For whom do I achieve and excel? Am I working hard for God? Do I glorify God in my actions, and bring him all the glory and fame that he rightfully deserves? Do I work on improving my faith that will allow God to use me mightily for His kingdom?
May we allow God to use us and let us shine for His greater glory.
Dear God,
Thank you for reminding me who I should always be glorifying. Lord, I know at times I get distracted, that even if I work for you, sometimes I want to receive recognition and affirmation on my actions. Help me Lord to always remember that I am doing everything for you and your greater glory. Also help my faith, that especially when what you ask seems to go beyond reason, I still have full faith and trust in your plan, and allow you to use me in whatever way you want. Amen.

In Christ,

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