Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sense of Entitlement

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/111312.cfm) reminds me that we should not have a sense of entitlement.

A lot of hurt and negative emotions are caused by a sense of entitlement.

Some children feel that they are entitled to receive from their parents whatever they want, at whatever cost. Some people feel entitled to receive blessings from their family members that are more financially capable than them. Some breadwinners feel that they should always have their way just because they are the ones who contribute the most. Some people feel they should be getting the promotion at work because they are working so hard. Some people think that because they do good and serve God, they are entitled to receive more blessings, that they will receive whatever they ask from God.

Jesus in today’s gospel is clearly saying that we should not have a sense of entitlement as we serve Him.

We are his creatures, we are God’s servants. Our natural tendency is to love and worship him. We were made to worship him. and we need not be rewarded for doing what we are supposed to do – like not being rewarded for breathing, for if we don’t breathe, we will die. The same way, if we don’t love, serve and worship God, our lives will be empty.

The psalm reminds us to “Delight ourselves in the Lord, and he will give us the desires of our hearts” This does not mean we will get whatever we want if we serve Him, but that as we serve Him, we will be transformed and be consumed, thus making our hearts desire what God wants from us, and when we ask for what God wants for us, we will certainly get it.

In what ways do I have a sense of entitlement? Am I expecting to be treated a certain way just because of what I do, give or say? What is God telling me today?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day, another chance to love and serve you. Lord, I ask that I always be sensitive to your presence in my life. May I always be reminded of what I am, and what I can do when I am one with you. Always remind me that without you, I am nothing, and that I should not have a sense of entitlement for doing what I was created to do. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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