Saturday, December 15, 2012

Closed Heart

The WORD today (see reminds me that nothing can make us see God’s reminders if our hearts are closed

Elijah was an awesome prophets. In the name of God, he was able to do great things. He was even carried away by a chariot with fiery horses. People that time believed that he would come again before Jesus comes, that he would prepare the way for Christ. He came, not as they expected, but as John the Baptist who prepared the way for Christ. However, the people did not recognize him. their hearts were closed and was only expecting what they wanted. They were not open to what God wants, to what God plans.

God does not always answer us the way we expect. God does not need to conform to our expectations, to what we want to happen. We need to be open and be sensitive to what God’s plans are. We need to be open to His will, even if it is not what we have in mind. And the only way we can be open is if we have a personal relationship with him. With prayer, bible reading and the sacraments, we can slowly build a good relationship with him that will help us be more open to His will.

Do I expect God to conform to what I want? Am I open when God’s ways are different from my ways? IS my heart closed to God? What can I do to start opening up my heart and myself to Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the weekend. Lord, I ask that you continue to speak to me through the people and things around me. Help me to become more sensitive to you. Help me work on building my relationship with you. Open my heart that i may alays be aware of you and how you reach out to me. Amen.

Blessed weekend.

In Christ,

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