Friday, April 5, 2013

Let's Eat!

The WORD today (See reminds me that God can turn the simplest things into opportunities to spread the faith.

We Filipinos generally love eating. I personally love to eat, that’s why the gospel caught my attention.

The gospel paints an interesting scene. I could just imagine what the disciples were feeling. Tired from working all night and catching nothing. Frustrated. Then someone tells them to throw the net on the right side of the boat. Why right? Who is this guy? We were up all night but caught nothing, then this guy tells us to just cast our nets on the right side? These were probably some thoughts on their head, yet they still obeyed, probably thinking they will have nothing to lose. Then came the surprise. Their obedience, their faith, enabled Jesus to bless them in a special way. They caught 153 large fish that their net almost broke. Plus they saw Jesus again!

Then it doesn’t end there! When they arrived to the shore, Jesus was cooking breakfast already! How wonderful it must have felt, that after being up all night catching nothing, they were given a lot, then breakfast was prepared for them. How wonderful God blesses us!

Jesus used eating, the breaking of bread, to remind them of the Eucharist. He also reminded them to come to Him for food, for he alone can give food that satisfies. Jesus is really human, he knows how to maximize eating time, and he made good use of that. He turned a simple and normal breakfast into an opportunity for him to have communion and fellowship with his friends, and strengthened his relationship to those who would eventually proclaim his kingdom.

God is telling me to maximize eating, to use it as an avenue to share God’s word and to build relationships. Let us proclaim God’s love, goodness and power when we break bread. We can enjoy each other’s company and talk about God in a simple meal. We do not need alcohol or a fancy meal to build relationships. We just need to make sure that in the simplest of things, we include Jesus, and that makes the difference.

How do I react when God asks me to do something? Do I justify and reason out, or do I just obey, allowing him to bless me abundantly?  How do I build relationships? Do I need alcohol or fancy meals to build relationships, or do I know that if I include Christ in the simplest of meals, that is enough to build relationships anchored on Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always being there, for never giving up on me, for taking care of me despite my shortcomings. Lord, I thank you for seeing me through the week. It was a fast and busy week, and other than it’s Friday already, I am glad that you were with me every step of the way. Lord I ask that you help me maximize eating. May my love for food be used to build your kingdom and build relationships with each other as we serve you. I also ask that you strengthen my faith and help me just trust in you, no matter what I am feeling, no matter what I am experiencing, may I just follow you when you tell me to do something. Amen.

Let’s eat!

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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