Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tell The World

The WORD today (See reminds me to tell the world of God’s love

I remember the 1995 World Youth Day held here in the Philippines. It was such a big event. I think I was in grade four then, and we were practicing the songs for the event. We sing those songs during first Friday masses, that we got familiar and memorized the lyrics. During the event, my parents and grandparents accompanied me and my sister to the event, saying we would be very blessed and lucky if we can see the Pope at least once in our lives. We were blessed that his convoy passed on the area where we were standing, and I saw him up close (since his Pope Mobile was made of glass so you cans see him). When the theme song was played, I remember singing with it because I knew the song. “Tell the World of his love” – which anchored on John 3:16, part of today’s gospel.

For God so loved the world
He gave us his only son
Jesus Christ our Savior
His most precious one…

Let us Tell the world of his love
The greatest love the world has known…

We are to tell the world of God’s love. Like the apostles in the first reading who were not bounded by prison and told the world of God. The gospel also reminds us that we should live in the truth and come to the light, so our works may be exposed and God be glorified.

Wherever we are, we can tell the world of God’s love. Proclaiming this is not limited to priests, missionaries and preachers. On the other hand, a more powerful testimony of this is when we live our everyday lives proclaiming God. When we make our everyday little actions, everyday decisions, anchored on God’s love and his gospel values, we are proclaiming God. We tell of God’s love when we are extra kind to others, when we extend our mercy and patience to those who do not deserve it, when we act with integrity even if we think no one is watching, when we do the right things, when we extend love to those unlovable in the office. These things, though may seem simple and little, proclaim God’s love through our lives.

May we be challenged and encouraged to tell the world of God’s love everyday.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me of your call to tell the world of your love. I ask that you help me life my life consistent with this. May I do everyday things, simple things, that will proclaim you, that will magnify and glorify you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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