Thursday, November 28, 2013

Honoring God

The WORD today ( reminds me how God values it when we honor Him.

They say that "when you honor God, God will honor you" today, we see that it is true in the readings. In the first reading we see Daniel honoring God even to the point of death. In return, God honored him and saved him from the lion. In the gospel we see that in the end of time, God will honor those who honor him in their lives.

It is not always easy to honor God. He is not human. We cannot readily hear him say he appreciates us for honoring him. We cannot hear him commending and appreciating us. We cannot immediately feel his love and protection. However, we should have faith and know that as we honor him daily, in the little and big things in life, in the small and big decisions, he will honor us as well. God will reward us, this life or the next.

May we be challenged and inspired to always honor God, for we know what will happen next.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for your blessings. Lord, i thank you for always rewarding me faith. I pray that you help me to honor you everyday with my life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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