Friday, January 24, 2014

Kill the Enemy

The Word today (See reminds me how to best kill your enemy.

They say that the best way to kill your enemies is by loving them, that way you won't have enemies anymore.

This is what David did in the reading. Saul wanted to kill David, and when God delivered Saul into David's hands, he repaid evil with good. Just shows how good a person David is and how in synch he is with God. He did not give in to the temptation of killing the enemy, but because he knew God's word "that from the wicked comes forth wickedness, he knew that he can kill the enemy by loving him, showing him undeserved mercy and compassion, and glorifying God in the process. God did not disappoint and delivered him from Saul.

In our lives, there are people who are mean to us for seemingly no reason. And there may be times that we have the opportunity to be mean back at them, to make even the score. May we be inspired by David and repay evil with goodness, for through it others will know that we are of God, and we will glorify God in the process.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for people who improve my faith and who make me love you more, who make me hold on to you more. Lord, I pray for my enemies. Give me a huge heart that would enable me to love those unlovable. Help me repay evil with goodness. As I do so, may you be glorified. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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