Saturday, February 1, 2014

No Faith?

The WORD today (See makes me think and reflect on what my state is as I come to Jesus.

In the gospel, we see fishermen terribly afraid in a storm, running to a carpenter for help. Interesting, right? Jesus asked them why they were terrified, and if they did not have faith. Note that he did not ask them why he woke him up and why they came to him. Probably, he wanted to come to Jesus. That's the right thing to do. But how we come to Jesus is important to him as well. Do we come to him terrified, feeling hopeless and helpless? Do we come to him doubting his love and power, or do we come to him calmly, full of faith, knowing that he is a God who never disappoint?

Sharing a story about mother Teresa. May her faith and relationship to Jesus inspire us and may we be willing to work to have that faith and relationship with him as well.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how much you love me and how powerful you are. Thank you that even if I come to you terrified and seemingly lacking in faith, you still help me. Lord, help me build my faith and relationship with you. May i always come to you calmly and full of faith in your love, power and goodness. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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