Sunday, May 18, 2014

Strong Foundation

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should have a strong faith foundation whatever we do.

Some think that being a pilot is easy, especially nowadays where airplanes are very advanced in technology. There are gadgets and tools which tell the pilots what to do, and there are even autopilot modes that would direct the plane in reaching the destination. Yes, it might be easy when things are normal. But it becomes challenging during situations needing the technical expertise of the pilot, like in emergency or crisis situations. Their specialty may not always be seen or used, but it is very important as they do their work.

This is similar to the requirements in the first reading. What the community needed were men who would so seemingly simple things -  to serve at the table. It may be literal serving, or others say that it is managing the allocation of resources of the community. May be simple, but the apostles' requirements for this is not administrative qualities or expertise, but to be spirit filled and with wisdom. As they do things, they should be deeply rooted in faith, so they would be able to properly do their task in the way God wants them to, especially during challenging or tempting moments.

God wants us to be deeply rooted in him. We may not be doing hardcore ministry or evangelization work, but God still expects us to be rooted in him. This will enable us to live the way God wants us to, and will help us make the right decisions, especially in times of trouble and temptation.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another opportunity to spend time with you. Lord, I am sorry for the times i put you in the backseat of my life. Sorry for focusing on myself and my dreams. Lord, give me a heart that would desire to grow closer to you, and the will to act to make it happen. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

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