Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Great Orchestrator

The WORD today (See reminds me how great an orchestrator God is.

I have always been fascinated with orchestra conductors. They have such powerful and amazing roles. They direct the sound of different instruments with just their hands. Every motion they do has a corresponding sound and effect on the whole orchestra. It is both cool and difficult to be in that position. They know how to make every instrument play and be a part of a great music. One instrument alone may be boring to listen to and may not make great music, but he knows how to put all the instruments together to make great music, to make masterpieces.

God’s role is similar to that – though a lot bigger and more difficult. He is the great  orchestrator of things.

In the gospel, we see the genealogy of Jesus. How great and perfect it is! From the time of Abraham until Jesus, everything was planned by God. Three sets of 14 generations. Wow. How great. How perfect

Thus the total number of generations
from Abraham to David
is fourteen generations;
from David to the Babylonian exile, fourteen generations;
from the Babylonian exile to the Christ,
fourteen generations

In the same way God did this in the life of Jesus, he is still working right now in our lives. Things may seem to be a mess, things may not look good, things may not make sense, but we just have to trust in the great orchestrator. In the same way that just one instrument in the orchestra may be boring, unless joined by other instruments to create masterpieces, God also knows what other things are lacking in our lives, and he is planning everything, so when everything comes together, it will be something great. It will be his masterpiece.

Let us trust in God and his great plans for us, for when the time is right, we will see all things come together and the greatness of God’s plans in our lives will come to fruition.

What are the things that are bothering me lately? What are my concerns? What are missing in my life? What instances in the past do not seem to make sense, until God’s perfect timing came and everything made perfect sense? What is God teaching me today?

Father God,
Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to experience your love. Thank you for the reminder to just trust in you. Lord, it is very difficult to just surrender and trust, especially when things do not make sense, or when I am in a very tough situation. But Lord, you see everything, and you know how to make everything work for my good. Help me surrender and trust in you, Lord. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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