Friday, December 19, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that we have different reactions to similar things.

They say that you cannot control what happens in life. You cannot control what life throws as you. You cannot control other people and their behavior. But there is one thing that you can control – your reaction to these things. You cannot control challenges, but you can control how you react to these challenges. You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can control how you behave.

This is what we can see in today’s readings.

Both in the first reading and gospel, we see angels bearing good news to people. In the first reading (See Judges 13, the angel told Manoah’s wife that she will bear a son, while in the gospel (See Luke 1 the angel told Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth will also bear a son in their old age. Both good news. Both redemption. But they reacted differently.

Zechariah was full of doubt. Well, who can blame him? He and Elizabeth are very old, and probably they have stopped hoping and praying for a child. However, we see Manoah’s reaction was very different. When he learned about the good news, he prayed to God and asked him to tell them how they are to prepare. Then when the angel was sent to them, they thanked the angel so much and gave their offering to God. Such faith! Surrendered heart full of faith!

No matter how we react, we cannot stop God’s plan from being fulfilled.

Of course, Manoah and his wife did their best to prepare until God’s word was fulfilled in them bearing Samson. But even if we doubt, like Zechariah, God’s word and plans cannot be stopped. Like him, we may just have to bear unnecessary pain because of our faith (or lack of it) or our reactions to things. Our reaction will just determine how we participate in God’s plans, but no matter how we react, we cannot stop His plans from being fulfilled.

May we have faith in God like Manoah, and be inspired by Elizabeth’s surrendered faith in God’s perfect time as we say “So the Lord has done for me at a time he has seen fit…”

How do I react to things that are happening in my life? Do I do my best to react in a way God wants me to, or do I let the situation get the best of me and affect my reaction? Do I believe in God’s word to me, or am I full of doubt and let me fears or past hurts affect the way I see God’s word? What is God telling me today?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to experience you. Thank you for the reminders today. Lord, help me have faith like Manoah. May I be ready and willing to receive good news and do my best to prepare my heart and my life for you. Cast away all my doubts and fears, and may this day give me a renewed faith, renewed hope, and a renewed life founded on you. Amen

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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