Thursday, February 2, 2012

Everyone is tested

Today (see link for readings), as we celebrate the feast of the Presentation of Jesus, I was reminded that everyone is tested, including Jesus.

The second reading says it very well, that to be able to fully relate to us, for Jesus to be able to help and understand us better, he became like us in every way except sin

therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way,
that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God
to expiate the sins of the people.
Because he himself was tested through what he suffered
he is able to help those who are being tested.

A good friend of mine told me that generally, those who became employees first make good business owners, simply because they know the situation of the employees. They have been there so they experienced the life of an employee. This is what Jesus did. He came down to our level to be able to understand us more. He knows how it is to be hungry, to be angry, to be sad, to be tempted. Just as he was tempted, he also was able to fight these temptations, which makes it easier for us to relate to him – because he experienced what we are experiencing. He was tested and came out of those tests stronger and purified.

In the first reading, we see that fire is used to purify.  (See related reflection here ). Jesus was purified and became stronger after going through fire – the temptations of the devil, and ultimately, by rising from the dead to save us from sins. This should be our perspective as well. When faced with challenges, with fire, we should not let us destroy us, but allow and use it to purify ourselves and become stronger. This is possible only with God’s help. May we be inspired by Simeon and Anna in the gospel, who waited and allowed God to purify them before giving them his promise. May we be inspired by Jesus, who consistently held on to God, especially during times of purification, having faith that God is consistently watching over us, and will not let us be subjected to more than we could handle.

God bless!

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