Monday, March 11, 2013

Do You Believe?

The WORD today (See reminds me to check myself if I believe Jesus’ words.

Not telling the truth is very common. From the simple things such as an answer to the question “are you hungry” (saying “no” even if you are because of a lot of reasons) to the more complex ones, such as when asked if you did a particular action/crime. This is why it is not easy to trust people. We always have a tendency to be defensive and protect ourselves. People need to earn our trust first, opposite of the concept of law that presumes innocence until proven guilty. We actually want others to prove themselves not guilty first before we can say they are innocent.

However, God is not man. In the bible, it says that God does not lie. “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind “ (Numbers 23:19). When God says something, he means it, and won’t change his mind. That’s how powerful and firm God’s word is.

In the gospel we see the royal official trusting Jesus words. When Jesus told him that “You may go, your son will live”, he believed it. He did not ask for a sign of Jesus’ power. He did not plead with him to come to him and personally heal the boy. He had faith and believed in Jesus words… and his faith was rewarded.

What am I going through right now? What am I asking God for? Do I believe his words – that he will cure my sickness, that he has great plans for me, that he loves me? Or do I ask for signs and not firmly believe on his words as he tells them to me?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the weekend. Lord, I pray that as I start the week, you help me increase my faith. May my faith be like the royal official who just trusts in your word. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

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