Thursday, March 14, 2013


The WORD today (See reminds me how important and powerful intercession is.

Today, the Catholic Chruch has a new pope already! Pope Francis was elected by the conclave, and is the new servant leader of the catholic church. As he was giving his remarks, he asked for prayers of the people before he prayed over us. He knows the importance of prayer and how much he needs our prayers too as he fulfills his Papal responsibilities.
As the new Pope, he will be a great intercessor, praying for us and serving us as we all serve God.

In the readings, we see how great an intercessor Moses is. God relented of the punishment he wanted to inflict on the people. The people most probably did not know what God was planning to do, and how Moses interceed, or came in between God and them. Moses prayed to God on their behalf, and because of God’s good relationship with Moses, God changed his mind.

It is important to have a good relatioinship with God as we pray for others, as we intercede for others. In the bible it says that “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16)

Let us live good lives as we pray for others, and let us not forget to pray for others, especially our leaders.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for giving us a new Pope. Lord, I ask that you bless and protect the Pope. Give him the strength to fulfill his Papal responsibilities, and continue to strengthen his faith as he keeps his focus on you as he serve you. I also pray for the people who intercede, who pray for me. Continue to strengthen them and hear their prayers. And as I pray for others, help me build a good relationship with you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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