Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lifted Up

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/040913.cfm) encourages me that God should be lifted up in our lives.

In basketball, or in majority of sports where players wear uniforms, there is a saying that goes: "you play for the name in front of your uniform, not the one at the back". It reminds us that we should play for our team, not for ourselves. We should work for our team, concerned with doing our part in making the team win, and not to work hard to glorify ourselves and show people how good we are in the sport. As some athletes say, "I would rather sit on the bench and see our team win, than play a good game on the court and see our team lose." Team over self. Lift the team, not the self.

God wants us to live that way. Glorify Him, not ourselves. Seek praises and honor for him, not for ourselves. We should live our lives lifting him up, not ourselves.

As we live our lives, and as we go on our day to day activities, may we be challenged and inspired to lift Him up in our lives. May we work hard so that others can see how great, loving, caring and merciful God is not just when we are in church, but most importantly, as we live our lives as children, parents, relatives, friends and officemates. May God be seen and lifted up in our everyday, day to day life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how I am called to praise and lift you up in my life. Lord, i ask that as i live my life, help me glorify you in the simple things, in the everyday things i do. May other people see you in me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection

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