Thursday, April 4, 2013

Of Peace and Understanding

The WORD today (see reminds me of Christ’s Peace and us understanding things in the perfect time

Jesus was also human, he had emotions, so he was probably hurt when his disciples slept while he was praying in the garden, when Peter denied him three times, when the disciples fled and hid as he was being punished. However, when he appeared to them, his first words were not of anger but of peace. “Peace be with you.” Even before the disciples could apologize and ask for his forgiveness, he gave them his peace. He is a God of peace, and we can also see in the first reading when Peter proclaimed that God will forgive the people who had Jesus crucified and had Barrabas released, if the people would be willing to repent. Peace is ready for them, they just have to do their part.

There are times in life where we do not understand what is happening to us. There are times we do not understand God’s wisdom. Well, good news! Even the disciples, who were with Jesus everyday, who was living with Jesus, did not understand everything even as it was explained to them. However, in the gospel, we also see that our minds will be opened in God’s perfect time. “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures…” When we do not understand things in life, let us not be frustrated or disappointed. Let us be patient and wait for God’s perfect time. And let us continue to love and serve him while we are waiting.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you are a God of peace. I am sorry for sinning and continuously hurting you. Lord, I thank you that you are always ready to forgive me. May I make the most of the sacrament of reconciliation and be at peace with you. Lord, I also ask that you give me patience to be still and continue to love and serve you when I do not understand things that are happening, or that are not happening. May I have faith that in your perfect time, you will reveal these things to me. Amen..

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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