Thursday, April 18, 2013

Specific Mission

The WORD today (see reminds me that God gives us specific mission in life.

In the movie series James Bond, we see the main actor, James Bond, being given a specific mission per movie, then after he successfully completes the mission, he is taken out and given another mission. Same is true in the corporate world. There are consultants who are hired for a specific task, and after they have completed it, they transfer to another company and given another task.

In the first reading, we see God doing that to Philip. He was told by an angel to take a specific route, and eventually found himself in conversation with an eunich, an official at that time. He explained the scripture to the eunuch, and proclaimed Jesus. The eunuch asked to be baptized, and after that, Philip was taken by God for another mission.

God has specific missions for us as well. Some are not necessarily long term ones – some missions may be as simple as to lift the spirit of a person, or proclaim God to the person by talking about God or by the way we live our lives. Only God knows these missions, and only he has the wisdom and vision to see the effect of our simple specific mission to his grand plan for humanity. On our part, what is important is we are sensitive enough and humble enough to obey. Philip wont be able to do his mission if he did not set out the road. We too will not be able to do God’s mission if we won’t take the first step and obey what God wants us to do – no matter how simple, unclear or weird it may be.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for having faith in me – in seeing the goodness in me, and in seeing my potential as your child, as your servant working in your vineyard. Lord, I ask that I always be sensitive to you. may I always be humble and obey what you are leading me to do – no matter how simple it may be, no matter how unclear the direction may be, no matter how weird it may be, and no matter how hard or challenging it may be. I have faith that as you call me, you will equip me and use me for your kingdom, for your purpose. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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