Sunday, June 30, 2013

Keep Moving Forward

The WORD today (See reminds me that as we follow God, we should keep moving forward.

We have a saying that goes “Ang hindi marunong tumingin sa pinanggalingan, hindi makararating sa paroroonan.” This shows that in our journey in life, it is important to know and remember where we came from, where we started, and not to forget our beginnings. However, in God’s kingdom, it may not always be best to look back as we move forward to serve him.

Everyone in Christ is a new creation. As we follow God, we are made new. The old self, with the sins, are left behind. This is why in the readings today, we see how God wants us not to look back as we follow Him. we should not look back to our old self and our sins, and just focus on Him, our new life, our new self, as we serve Him. It is said that we can’t serve two masters, so we should choose him and not our old self.

Change does not happen overnight. As we can see in the gospel, even his disciples’ temper is still on a rage. “Lord, you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?” This must have been an exciting sight – but not a good one. This shows that from time to time, we will still fall, old habits will still manifest. But we should be humble enough and allow God to continue to change us as we focus on Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for opportunities you constantly give me to serve you and to choose you. Lord, I pray that as I live my life, I may constantly choose you. May I never look back to my old self and accept the new person you are making me. As I serve you, may I choose to keep moving forward and focus on you as I follow you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, June 29, 2013


The WORD today (See reminds me that God has been rescuing us from evil all our lives

As we celebrate the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul, we see how God has been there to rescue them from evil. Yes, temptations and challenges are part of us being followers of God. Even Jesus himself, God’s only Son, was not spared from these, so we should not expect to be spared from hurts, challenges and trials as we follow God. However, as we expect these, we should also expect God’s rescue powers in our lives.

In the frst reading, we see God sending an angel to rescue Peter from prison. In the second reading, we see Paul testifying how he was rescued from the lion’s mouth and how God stood by him, gave him strength and consistenly rescued him. We too should expect God’s rescuing power on our lives as we follow Him. This is what we should focus on, not on the challenges that come our way as we live our lives for him.

How about us? How is God rescuing us in our lives? How has God shown his great love and mercy as we live our lives for him? in what ways have we experienced God’s rescuing love for us? What little or big ways has he rescued us? Do we thank him for that? Do we get strength and encouragement from that? How do we feel when we are rescued? Do we feel grateful or do we feel that he owes us that? Do we feel that we are entitled to be rescued because we are doing his work?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for Saints Peter and Paul who tirelessly worked for you, who with their lives has shown us how great and loving you are, and how inspired we should be in living for you. Lord, I pray that I may have the faith like these two saints – who completely relied and depended on you till the point of death. And I thank you for always rescuing me, and I thank you for I know that you will always be there to rescue me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, June 28, 2013

Of Prayers and Answers

The WORD today (See reminds me that God is not limited by anything when he answers our prayers.

In the readings today, we see people coming to God with their requests, and we see how generous and powerful God is. In the first reading, we see how powerful God is when he said that in their old age, Abraham and Sarah will bear a child! And we know he was true to his word. When Abraham prayed and asked God to also bless his child Ishmael, even if probably that was not God’s original plan,  he heeded Abraham’s prayer and told he will also bless Isaac. In the gospel we see a leper come to Jesus for healing, and we see Jesus healing the man and restoring him to society.

How powerful prayer is! God’s goodness and power is there, but it is also triggered by prayer.

How many times do we skip prayer, reasoning that we’re too tired or that God already knows what we want, or probably shy because we are sinful and feel unworthy to come to him?

Good news! God appreciates us being “shameless” or “makapal ang mukha.” Yes we are unworthy sinners, probably like the man in the gospel. During that time, it was believed that leprosy is God’s punishment for your sins or for the sins of your parents. That’s why you’re unclean, an outcast in society. But the leper, becoming shameless, took all his courage and came up to Jesus. Well, Jesus rewarded his efforts. Jesus rewarded his faith. And Jesus can reward us too.

May we be reminded how powerful and important prayers are, and how powerful and generous God is!

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another Friday! Lord, I pray that you always give me a heart that would be “shameless” and come to you no matter what. I am sinful and I am sorry. But Lord, help me not to give in to the temptation to stay away from you because I am ashamed of myself and my sin. I know that the more sinful I am, the more I need you, and the more I need to be near you. And as I pray, may I never underestimate your power and your goodness. Amen.

Blessed Friday!

In Christ,

Thursday, June 27, 2013

It Goes Both Ways

The WORD today (see reminds me that  God's surprises go both ways. 

Sometimes, God's surprises are from happy to challenging. Last week we went to the beautiful city of Cebu. We took an airplane going there, and i was surprised, because it has been raining in manila the past few days before that, but that day, it was sunny! Then the flight was initially praceful, sunny skies was seen, so I thought it will be like that the entire flight. However, after a few minutes, we experienced turbulence, the fasten your seatbelt sign was lighted, and the captain told us that it will be like this throughout the trip. So much for a peaceful trip. But we got in Cebu safely. 

However, sometimes, His surprises are from challenging to happy. In the first reading, we see Abram probably losing faith because despite God's promise, he was still childless in his old age. But we see that God was and is always true to his promise. 

Let us choose to be like Abram. Let us follow Jesus advice and as we know God's promise, as we know His word, let us act on it. Let us keep the faith, knowing that God will always be true to His word, to his promise. And as we remain faithful to Him, know that God will continue to bless and reward us. 

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your word that continues to inspire and strengthen me. Lord, I am so sorry for the many times I have sinned and let you down. Sorry for the many times I listen to the world and not to your Word. I pray that you continue to be patient with me, never let me go, and help be keep and develop my faith in you. Because Lord, you know my heart, and despite all my weaknesses, you know that deep in my heart, my desire is you. Amen. 

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Against the Obvious

The WORD today (see reminds me to trust in God what his promise even if it goes against the obvious.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe what God is telling us. Probably all of us can relate to Abram in the first reading. God has been blessings him with a great livelihood, but he wants something else – a son. Sounds familiar, when we have been blessed but still want something else? Then God tells him that he will have a son, and a lot of descendants at that! Probably in his mind, Abram thought yeah right, I’m old already, so is my wife. And we have been trying for years.. yet here you are telling me I’ll have descendants as numerous as the stars? However, Abram kept the faith – and God saw it.

How about us? How many times do we favour the obvious rather than God’s promise? How many times do we let the disappointments and challenges in life bring us down, instead of holding on to God’s promise of his great plans for us? How many times do we let the bad news around us and the evil people defeat and bring us down, instead of keeping our faith and trusting in God?

God sees if our faith is genuine, and will reward us for it. In the reading he saw Abram’s profession of faith and credited it as an act of righteousness. On the other hand, in the gospel, we see that God also sees if we are wolves hidden in sheep’s clothing. He sees if our faith is genuine, or if it’s superficial, and will reward us accordingly.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that I should not be limited to what my senses see and what the world has to offer. Lord, I pray that you give me faith, faith that will be strong enough to trust in you even if what you say seem to go against what is obvious. I know that nothing is impossible with you and you are not limited by this world. May I always remember that and live that. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Do it as Well

The WORD today (See reminds me how simple God’s rule is.

In the time of Jesus, there were a lot of rules. There were a lot of prophets saying a lot of things and messages. However, Jesus summarizes all of them in one statement. “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you” This is the standard by which we should live.

There is a story of a doctor living in a remote town. One stormy night, a man called, asking him to go to their house for the wife is giving birth. The doctor agreed, but asked the man to pick him up since his car broke down. To this the man replied “What? You want me to go out on a night like this?!”

Sometimes, we are like the man. We expect too much from other people but we are not ready to give ourselves what we are expecting of others. Too much for Jesus’ rule, right? In as much as we should do to others what we want them to do to us, we should also be ready to do to others what we expect or want others to do to us. We should not want, or expect, to be above other people. We should not expect or want to always be on the receiving end of graces, but not wanting to give ourselves. We should be fair. Jesus is fair and simple.

May we always be fair and obey Jesus’ simple rule.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how you want me to act. Thank you for the simple truth, for the simple commandment you want me to follow. I am sorry Lord for the times I expect and demand a lot from other people, things that I myself am not willing to do. Lord, change my heart and make it like yours, that I desire to serve rather than be served. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, June 24, 2013


The WORD today (See inspires and challenges me to glorify God with my life.

As we celebrate the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, we see his birth in the gospel and his ministry in the readings. We see that from his birth, he glorified God. There was fear in the people – fear of God, because they knew that the hand of God was with him. And in his ministry, he was often seen as saying that he was not the messiah, and was just preparing the way for Him. John knows that Jesus must increase and he must decrease. His whole life was used to glorify and honor God.

How about us?

Do we want the same – for God to increase in our lives? Are we building God’s kingdom or our own? In life, we get tangled up in worldly things  - power, fame, success, etc, that we tend to forget who we should glorify. God should be glorified in our lives, not ourselves. God does not look at our worldly accomplishments – the number of cars we own, how big our house is, how much money we make, or how many people are subject to us. He looks at none of that. What is important to him is if we glorify him with our lives, if we serve other people – the least, the lost, the last. Then we can say that we tried to live our life the way John the Baptist did, preparing the way for God, glorifying him in all we do.

Father God,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for reminding me what is important to you. Thank you for St John who tirelessly worked to prepare the way for Jesus. Lord, sometimes I get so busy with life, wanting to achieve and own a lot of things, that I forget you. Lord, never let me go, and hold me when I am drifting away. May I always put my focus on you so I can glorify you with my life, Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What about you?

The WORD today (See reminds me that God is concerned with our personal relationship with Him.

For those who are in love, especially those in the honeymoon or “kilig” stage, the comment is not as important as the one giving the comment. For example, being given a complement is more impactful if given by someone you love or like, rather than a normal friend or relative. Agree? This shows how important a person is in our lives, and what impact a personal relationship has.

In the gospel, we see Jesus valuing our personal relationship as shown by Peter’s answer. Yes, he asked them who other people say that he was, but he was not concerned of their answer. He was more concerned of what their answer would be.  But who do you say that I am?” He wanted to know what they thought of him. he wanted to know who he was to them. He wanted to know who Jesus is in their lives.

I believe he is asking us the same question. “Who do you say that I am?

If we say that He is our God, our king, then we must be willing to submit to him. We must be willing to serve not him, but with him. As he continued in the gospel, we must “take up our cross DAILY and follow Him.” We are not to act like friends of influential people of the earth, acting all powerful and important, expecting people to submit to them. Instead, we should take up our cross and follow him. Not just that, emphasis is on daily. This is not a one time big time decision. This involves daily, small decisions to follow Him. Then we can trully say that Jesus is God in our lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how important I am to you and how important my personal relationship to you is, Lord, I pray that I may take time and work on my relationship with you through prayer, bible reading and the sacraments. May I give much importance to it as you do. I also pray that you give me the strength to take up my cross daily. May I always make the decision to follow you, every day with the little and big decisions that I make. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Three Little Birds

The WORD today (See reminds me not to worry about things in life and just trust in God.

Bob Marley, one of the most popular reggae artists, has a song titled “Three Little Birds” in which the lyrics go – “don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing’s ‘gonna be alright” This is what God tells us today.

IT is said that in the bible, the phrase “Do not worry” is repeated over 365 times – reminding us every day not to worry and just trust in Him. in the gospel we see that God takes care of things – the birds, the grass, the flowers. If he takes care of them, he would certainly take care of us, for we are more important than them.

In the prayer Jesus taught us, we are reminded to put God first. “Your kingdom come, your will be done” is similar to the gospel today  Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.” As we seek God’s will in our lives, as we put him first, we will realize that he will and has always been taking care of us.

This does not mean things will go easy, that we won’t be experiencing challenges. On the other hand, we will. But as we see in the first reading, St Paul reminds us that in our weaknesses, in our challenges and difficulties, God’s glory and power is made perfect… so even in challenging times, we know that God is still taking care of us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your promise that you will take care of us. Thank you for always reminding us not to worry and just put our faith and trust in you. Lord, I pray that I may live this. May I not allow myself to be overwhelmed with the things in life, and may I always have my life anchored on you, trusting that no matter what happens, you have my at the palm of your hands. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, June 21, 2013

Wise Investment

The WORD today (see reminds me how to become a wise investor

They say that we are mere passers-by in this world. We are on a journey going back to our eternal and real home –- heaven. That is why they say that it is foolish to invest here on earth, because it is just a temporary place for us. As Jesus says in the gospel, we should invest in heaven, where we will spend eternity with God.

We all want to enjoy life. We want to be able to eat good food, go to nice places, have nice things – house, cars, clothes, gadgets, etc. however, we in the quest to have this, we should not forget to also invest in our real home, to prepare for eternity. All we own here on earth will eventually be destroyed, or if not destroyed, we still wont be able to bring it when we die and stay in our real home. That is why  for everything we spend here on earth, let us not forget to spend also for eternity – by giving to others and by helping others. This is the only way we can prepare for eternity while we are still on earth.

St Paul in the first reading knows this and does this. As he was living on earth, he was preparing hard for eternity. He accepted all the pain and beatings of the world so he can invest in eternity. He knows that more than here and now, what is important is preparing and investing for eternity… because ironically, we can only invest and prepare for eternity while we are still here on earth.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to be able to invest and prepare for eternity, Lord, as I live my life on earth, I pray that you always remind me how temporary this is, and how important it is to prepare and invest in eternity. May I be moved into action, no matter what it may entail. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How to Pray?

The WORD today (see gives us a guide we can use in praying.

There are people who do not know how to pray, aside from the formula prayers we memorize. Some do not know how to be personal in prayer, or if they are praying in a way God wants. Back in college, I learned a method to pray, based on the Lord’s Prayer. IT has helped me a lot in developing my relationship with God and in building my faith. However, for some reason,  I was not able to follow this guide for the past years, until last week when I was reminded of it and I started to pray again using the structure. Sharing with you how we can use the Lord’s prayer in praying, some scriptural reference of each part of the prayer, and how we can personalize it.

Our Father who are in heaven, hollowed by thy name

So the LORD passed before him and proclaimed: The LORD, the LORD, a God gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love and fidelity, continuing his love for a thousand generations, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin; yet not declaring the guilty guiltless, but bringing punishment for their parents’ wickedness on children and children’s children to the third and fourth generation! (Exodus 34: 6-7 -

è We remember our God. We remember what our God is like. We remember what God has done for us. We remember how blessed we are having such a great God. We are blessed that we can call him our God, our Father. We should be thankful and be full of awe as we pray, as we worship our God. We should also be reminded not to abuse his love, for even if he is a loving God, he is also a God of justice.

thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides (Matthew 6:33 -

è Out of love for him, we pray that we would have the heart to seek and obey God’s will in our lives. We pray for faith, knowing that as we seek His will, he will bless us and give us the things that we need in this world, as we serve and glorify him with our lives. We also pray for others, that they also seek and obey God's will in their lives.

Give us this day our daily bread

so you might know that it is not by bread alone* that people live, but by all that comes forth from the mouth of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 8:3b –

è We pray for God daily to sustain us, not just physically, but more importantly, spiritually. We remember that in this life, we need more than just physical food. Yes, man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. We need his word, we need to get to know him more, so we would be able to truly live, to truly serve and glorify Him. We also pray for the intentions of others and our own personal intentions

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us

If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing. (1 John 1:9 -

è The gospel says we should forgive so we would be forgiven. We also pray for humility that we would recognize our sins. We are far from perfect, and we ask God for forgiveness. We humbly come to him for forgiveness. We have faith that as we do, God forgives us and cleanses us. We also pray for those who have sinned against us, that as we forgive them and as God changes us, they also welcome God and allow Him to change their lives. We also pray for others whom we know have grudges against other people, that God melt their hearts and allow them to forgive others and in turn be forgiven by God.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13 -

è In faith, we call on Him to save and protect us. We have faith that he will not give us what we can’t bear. We have faith that God will be with us as we fight our battles, as we win over the enemy. We also pray for others who are undergoing challenges, that they may remain faithful to God, and realize that God will always be with us as we become victorious in Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me and teaching me how to pray. I pray that I make the most out of this, that I may personalize your prayer and use it to develop a more intimate relationship with God. Put in my heart a desire to know you more, to love you more, and to have more of you. May I always have that love for you, and may I always long for you and want more of you – and may it move me to prayer and to do my part. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Generous and Cheerful Giver

The WORD today (see reminds me that God loves a generous and a cheerful giver.

We get what we give. The first reading tells us – “whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.“ Treat it as an investment, the more you give, the more you invest, the more you can earn and receive back. This is how God works. He cannot be out given. He will definitely give you back more than what you give him, so the more you give him, the more you will receive from Him.

In the gospel, we see further how generous God wants us to be. Generous to others – not to ourselves. As we give, be it alms to others, prayer and fasting to God, we should do so for God and others – not for ourselves. We should not want or expect affirmation or good words for our actions, for it clouds our motives. If we want or expect that, we might be giving to others not really for them, but for us, for us to receive affirmation and recognition for our actions… which is not what God wants from us.

As we generously give, God also wants us to be cheerful and happy about it. “God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving is one thing – we can give if we feel obliged to, or forced to. Yes, it can still help others, even if it was given with a heavy heart… but that’s not what God wants. God does not only want us to give generously, he wants us to do so with a happy and cheerful heart. We should not think about what we will lose as we give to others, but be happy that we are able to share and bless others with what God has blessed us with.

How is your disposition towards giving? Do you regularly give to others your time, talent and treasure? How? How much do you give, generously or do you hold back and wait for the time till you feel you have more than enough before you give to others? What is your disposition when giving? Are you a cheerful giver?

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me that you want be to be a generous and cheerful giver. Thank you that your standards are not like the world’s, that my heart as I give is more important than the worldly value of what I offer. I thank you that even though I may not have a lot in the standards of the world, I just need to give generously of what I have, and I know this is more than enough for you, that you will magnify it so that it may help a lot of people and so that you may be glorified with my offering. And I thank you that as I give, I know I will receive more. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Be Fair

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants me to be fair

They say life is not fair. The evil people succeed in life, while the good suffer in this world. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

However, we see that God is fair. As we see in the gospel, he blesses all of us – good and bad alike. We have the same sun that give energy to us, regardless if you’re doing what’s pleasing in his eyes or not. Imagine if God is not fair, if the sun gives energy only to those who follow Him and gets the energy of those doing evil. Or what if there is no universal sun? That God will just bless good people with light, while bad people walk with darkness around them. Probably more people would do good – not because they are good or what to please God, but because they need and want light.

God is fair. He blesses all people with his goodness. His blessings never end. And he never uses his power to force people to love him and to do good for him. in fact, he does the opposite. He lets those who follow him experience challenges and persecution in this world, like Jesus when he was living. But with it comes a promise that if we endure and remain faithful till the end, we will be with him in paradise.

God is fair, and he expects us to be fair as well. This is the tough part. It’s easy to do good to those you love and those who love you – your family, your significant others, your good friends and relatives. It is easy to do good to people we get something good in return, who will thank us and appreciate that we are doing. However, God wants us to go more a step further. He wants us to be fair – to extend love to those unlovable as well.

Why? Do they need love? Probably. But I think he knows that we need love. We need to be perfect in loving. He loves us so much that he wants us to be with him in paradise, and as we live our lives on earth, he wants us to practice loving the way he does. He wants us to develop the heart to love the unlovable, those who do not deserve it. Because he wants us to live this life in preparation for eternity.

So, when God asks us to be fair, it just means he loves us too much and he wants us to be with him in paradise.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for your love. Thank you for loving me even if I do not deserve it, even if I am unlovable. Lord, I pray that I be moved into action and love those unlovable and undeserving people in my life as well. I know it’s tough, and it is contrary to common sense, but Lord, I have faith that as I do so, I am slowly being transformed to become more like you… and that you are preparing me to live in eternity with you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, June 17, 2013

Now is the Time

The WORD today (See reminds me that we should not delay doing God’s work

Behold, now is a very acceptable time;
behold, now is the day of salvation

In the reading, we see that now is when God wants us to act. As human beings, we always say that we are waiting for the perfect time. We wait for a perfect time before we ask someone out. We wait for a perfect time before we tell someone our feelings. We wait for a perfect time before we make that career move. We wait for a perfect time before we apologize to someone. We wait for a perfect time, when we have more, before we give to others.

Probably in life, there are things we should wait on. However, I believe that in doing God’s work – now is the perfect time to act.

We should not delay serving God through different things and ministries. We should not delay helping out others – regardless of our social status in life. We should not delay apologizing to others, and receiving these apologies. We should not delay bringing others to Christ and Christ to others. We should not delay praising God and glorifying and magnifying him in our lives.

Now is the time.

God is not waiting for a perfect time. God expects us to create the perfect time – and that time is now.

What aspects in your life are you waiting for “the perfect time” before you act on it? What things in your life are in your “to do” list? What things have you been putting off, giving yourself “valid” excuses for doing so? What things in your life do God want you to start doing now?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for giving me another day, another week. Lord, I pray that you give me courage and enable me to do things for you now. May I not wait for the perfect time to do your will and to serve you. May I not delay doing what you are asking me to do. Lord, may I make the most out of today. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

Sunday, June 16, 2013

More for More

The WORD today (See reminds me that the more we experience love, the more we give love

Jesus tells us in today’s gospel that those who felt great love and mercy gives more love and mercy to others. The gospel says:

Two people were in debt to a certain creditor;
one owed five hundred day’s wages and the other owed fifty.
Since they were unable to repay the debt, he forgave it for both.
Which of them will love him more?”
Simon said in reply,
“The one, I suppose, whose larger debt was forgiven.”
He said to him, “You have judged rightly.
So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven
because she has shown great love.
But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.”

God loves everyone equally. He loves us despite of our sins and shortcomings. However, naturally, those who are aware of our shortcomings and sins and who experience God’s love and forgiveness tend to love God more, tend to love others more. In the gospel, it does not necessarily mean that the Pharisees had less sin. Maybe they were just unaware of their sins, or too proud to admit they had sins too – thus they did not feel the need to be forgiven, and did not feel the impact of God’s love In their lives, because they felt that they were okay on their own.

All of us sin. In the first reading, we see that David, although was greatly blessed by God, still sinned against God. However, God is a God of love. God is love. And he will always be ready to forgive us our sins as long as we humbly come to him. And if we are aware of our situation and we allow God to love us and we experience his love, it will cause us to love more, because we experienced first hand God’s love and mercy in our lives.

May we be aware of our sins and our need for repentance… and as we ask God’s forgiveness, may we allow Him to love us as well and be moved by his love and forgiveness, and pass it on to others.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day. I especially thank you for the love you gave my parents – thank you for blessing their marriage for 29 years, and thank you for the love you let them experience, the source of the love that they give to our family. I thank you for blessing them and giving them to us. Lord, may we all allow you to love us, and as we experience your love, may it move us to pass that love to others, especially those who need it, and even to those who don’t deserve it. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, June 15, 2013

All Things New

The WORD today (see reminds me that God and his love makes all things new

Sharing an excerpt of the first reading:

So whoever is in Christ is a new creation:
the old things have passed away;
behold, new things have come

God is fond of giving us a fresh start. Everyday, when we wake up, we are given a new day, a new chance to do good, an opportunity to do what is right in our lives. He does not keep a record of our wrongs and wait for us to prove we are sorry or we will do what is right. Instead, he gives us fresh opportunities everyday to do what is right. Everyone is given that – regardless of your attitude, of your faith or of your way of life. God gives all of us fresh opportunities and a fresh supply of his love everyday.

New things have come.

God’s love makes all things new. There is no one too bad that he can’t be loved. There is no sin so grave that can’t be forgiven. Whatever sins we have, whatever bad habits we harbor, whatever issues we have – is not enough to prevent God from loving us and giving us a new start. God’s love is like soap – it cleans everything that goes to it. We just need to humble ourselves and go to God, and expect him to change us and make things new, make things clean.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Lord, thank you for your love. Thank you for your great love that can overcome anything. I pray that I humble myself and come to you. May I always allow you to love me so that I can experience and feel how real and how great your love for me is. And as I do so, I know that it will change me, it will change my life, and it will make things new and clean in my life. Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,