Saturday, August 31, 2013

Start Small

The WORD today (see reminds me that God does wants us to do the right things even at small scales.

They say that great things start from small beginnings. I believe this is true. We have to start small, take baby steps, and do things right in a small scale, and not want to do it big or start it big at once.

There are a lot of people I know that say they will help the poor when they reach the point that they have a lot. Kapag mayaman na ako, tutulong na ako sa mahirap. This is a noble desire, but most people will never consider themselves rich, or have a lot. We will always want more. We will always feel we need more, especially if we compare ourselves to other people.

We have to start now even if we start small.

In the gospel, the master did not immediately give the servants huge amounts. They gave them small portions. Then after they invested and did the right thing, we see the master giving them bigger responsibilities. It does not matter how much they made, what matters is they did the right thing with the little they had.

In life, God does not expect grand results. God does not expect grand gestures of service, of our faith, of love. OF course, God would love those, but God would be happy as long as we do things right, even at small scales. Then eventually, he would give us bigger responsibilities, bigger opportunities to do things for Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for a Saturday. Thank you for your love, that knows no boundaries. Lord., I ask that you give me a humble and obedient heart. May  I always be ready and willing to do things for you, to do the right thing, even at a small scale, even if it may seem insignificant. Lord, I am working for you, not for other people, and what matters to me is that you are happy with my actions, with my life. May I always be reminded of that. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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