Saturday, January 18, 2014

Call the Sinners

The WORD today (See reminds me that God calls sinners.

A hospital is a place for people to get well. Naturally, majority of the people there are sick. In the same way, the Church is a place where people get well, thus, there should be a lot of sinners there – not enjoying themselves, but wanting help and support as they change their ways. It is said that if your church has no sinners, then it probably is not a church.

In the gospel we see how Jesus calls the sinners. He is spending time with them not to tolerate their sins, but to help them change their ways. We are also called to do the same. First, we should strengthen our own personal faith. We need to be firmly grounded and rooted in Christ first before we reach out to others. Then, after we have built a solid foundation, we are called to reach out. As we spend time with sinners, we are called to help them change and influence them, not the other way around.

Christ needs workers – people who would do his work. May we respond to his call, and call sinners to conversion, not condemnation.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for your unending love for us. Thank you for continuing to chase us and wanting us to be free from sin. Lord, I pray that in my own little way, I may also be able to help out others in conversion and in knowing you. amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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