Thursday, February 27, 2014

Poor in Spirit

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to be poor in spirit.

The readings today continue the theme of Tuesday - being childlike, and yesterday – not being arrogant towards God. Today we see that God wants us to be poor in spirit.

Being poor in spirit does not necessarily mean lacking, but more of dependence on God. Why should be we dependent on God? Well, it is wise to do so. In the first reading, we see that all the worldly fame, power and riches fade away. Clothes will be destroyed, gold and silver will corrode, power will fade. All these things, though enjoyable in the world, is very temporary, yet it has the power to affect people permanently. These temporary things of the world can determine where we will spend eternity in.

In the gospel, we see that Jesus wants us to be detached from material things, from things that make us temporarily happy but lead us into sin. We should be poor in spirit and depend on God to free us from these things, and should find comfort in God, not on these things.

We are all living In the world, but we are asked not to live of the world. May we always be cautious as we live our lives, and not forget that this is just a temporary place for us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for the reminder that you want me to always be poor, to always be dependent on you. I am sorry for the times I enjoy the world too much that I forget you. I pray that my heart would always find joy, peace and satisfaction in you, amidst everything that the world offers me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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