Sunday, April 27, 2014

Everyday Nourishment

The WORD today (see reminds me that we need nourishment everyday, not only physically through food, but more importantly, spiritually.

Today we celebrate Divine Mercy. We see in the gospel Jesus showing this to his disciples when he greeted them with peace, even when they deserted him when he needed friends the most, even when Thomas doubted him. Peace.

However, what struck me today was the first reading.

Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes

Wow. Everyday fellowship. Everyday praying. Everyday nourishment. How amazing and great this would have been, to grow and be nourished not only physically, but spiritually with fellow believers.

God should not be confined on Sunday masses. That’s just not enough for us to experience his great love. That’s not enough nourishment for the week. While meeting everyday would most probably be a challenge, we are reminded that something similar is needed. With the technology that we have, there are a lot of ways to grow spiritually. Internet research to know him more. Social media to proclaim him. Communication technology to talk about him with others. We need nourishment, and we need to work on it. Not only that, in the same way that Jesus in the gospel sent out his disciples, he too is asking us to proclaim him as we get nourishment.

May we always be reminded that we need spiritual nourishment everyday, and be ready to proclaim him to others.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your love. Thank you for the many ways you reach out to us and remind us of your love. Thank you for your nourishment you send in many ways. Lord, may I always be thirsty and hungry for you. And as I get filled, may I always be ready to share you to others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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