Sunday, July 20, 2014


The WORD today (see reminds me that God knows how to get through us.

I love stories. I love listening to stories, and I love sharing stories that have touched me. Stories make us understand things more as we are able to relate to it. I believe that is why Jesus often spoke in parables – to make people understand concepts and things more. He used things and situations that people can relate to, so it will be easier for people to understand. Indeed, Jesus knows how to get through us.

We also see in the gospel that he explained the parable to the disciples when they asked him to. They wanted to understand more and Jesus gladly explained to them. In our lives, we too sometimes want to understand things more. We want to know the reason behind things. We may not have Jesus physically present like the disciples had, but we can still ask him. God does not disappoint, and he will answer us, however, we also have to do our part. He does not always readily answer in a way we want him to. Sometimes he wants us to make an effort and learn what we can. To read the bible, to pray, and to immerse ourselves in finding the answer. Then he will reveal to us things.

We are all in a journey. Where we are right now is not where we are meant to be. That’s why God is patient. He knows we are works in progress and he gives us opportunities to change and grow into what he wants us to be. He is not impatient with us, and he has faith in us. That is why like in the parable, the master waited for the harvest and did not immediately cut out the weeds, for it might affect others in the process. May we make the most out of the opportunities God is giving us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Lord, I thank you for coming down to our level so we can understand you more, so we can relate to you more. I am sorry for the times I take you and my faith for granted. Sorry for focusing on the world instead of on you. Help me make the most out of the opportunities for me to grow to become more and more like you, so when harvest time comes, I may be with you in paradise. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

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