Wednesday, December 24, 2014


The WORD today (see reminds me that we should continue to let God use us.

Acting like a Christian is not a once in a lifetime decision. It is an everyday, continuous decision. We have to constantly choose to follow God. We have to constantly allow God to change us, and to use us.

The readings show us people who continuously allow God to use them. In the first reading, we see David, a former shepherd who was used by God in many ways, and eventually was made a king of his people. In the gospel we see Zechariah’s canticle, his profession of faith and love. After doubting God and being silenced, he eventually gave praises to God with his words, with his life.

This Christmas season,  we should not stop preparing for him. Regardless or not we feel we have prepared enough for Him this year, we should not stop on Christmas day, but be motivated to continue and prepare for his eventual coming.

We should also continue to let God use us and change us We should continue to allow him to use us to help other people, especially the survivors of the recent typhoon Ruby. There are everyday things we should do to improve ourselves -  obey the rules and be honest even if other people do not. be generous and selfless even if other people are not, confess and be at peace with God, ourselves and others, even if other people cannot. As we do so, God will continue to live through us, and we will be a representation of Jesus to others around us, and He will continue to be present in us and through us.

How have I prepared for Christmas this year? Did I lose sight of the reason for this season? Did I allow myself to get busy and stressed that I did not devote enough time for prayer and sacraments as I prepare for Him? How can I continue to prepare for Jesus’ coming in my life? How can I continue to allow Him to change me? Am I willing?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for all the blessings. Thank you for all the love. Thank you for all the guidance and protection. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart that would continue to let you use me and mold me to be more like you. May I not stop preparing, even after Christmas. I pray that in my own little way, you would be able to use me and make me Jesus to others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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