Sunday, December 21, 2014


When I was new to the community, my shepherd would always tell me that whenever I am asked to do things, to serve, or to take on responsibility, the answer should always be yes. “Yes lang ng yes”. Always say yes, even if you don’t know how you would do it. Just say yes even if you have concerns. Just say yes even if you doubt if you can do it.

This is what Mama Mary did. This is what God wants us to do.

Mary’s Fiat, her “yes” to God was the start of her powerful life of service to God. It became the start of God using her intensely for His purpose.

Mary was surprised when the angel visited her, much more when the angel addressed her as “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” She was even more surprised when the angel told her God’s plan. Yes, she asked a question, but eventually said yes. She may not know what she’s getting herself into. She probably knew the consequences of saying “yes” during that time, being pregnant outside marriage is a grave offense. She would be stoned for it. But she still said yes to God’s plan. She trusted in God so much, that even if there were doubts, even if there were questions, even if there were possible consequences of her yes, she still gave it to God. That’s faith. That’s grace.

Saying Yes is a sign of great faith in God.

Today is the last Sunday before Christmas. We have been preparing for four weeks already. We should have prepared our hearts and our lives for God. Now, we are reminded what we should do after preparing for Him. Now is the invitation to actually say “Yes” to God, to allow him to use us for whatever purpose he sees fit. Saying yes to God is not actually beneficial to him, but to us! Pope Francis tells us: “Every time we give in to selfishness and say no to God, we spoil his loving plan for us.”

Do I always give my “fiat” to God, even if I don’t fully understand what He is asking of me? What is hindering me from always saying “yes” to God’s call? Do I trust God completely with my life, knowing that He loves me so much? Do I have faith that like the angel said in the gospel, nothing is impossible with God?

Father God,
Thank you today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another Sunday. Lord, for loving me so much. Thank you for giving me what I do not deserve. Thank you for Mama Mary, Jesus’ earthly mother, for you used her to bring salvation to us. Thank you for her example. Sorry for the times I make up excuses to say no to you. Sorry for the times I let my fear and concerns win over my faith in you. I ask that you help me be like her. May we open up ourselves and our lives and allow you to use us for your purpose, for your glory. Lord, we know how powerful a spoken word is, and we ask that we always give our “yes” to you, so you can use us for your purpose too. May I live my life like Mary, submitting my will to yours, and trusting in you completely. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

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