Thursday, September 13, 2012

Go The Extra Mile

The WORD today (see reminds me that as followers of Christ, we should go the extra mile.

God wants us to go beyond the normal expectations. In the first reading, we are reminded that it is important for us not to sin, but it does not end there. We should also eventually want others to be saved, we should also want others not to sin. We are asked to not only do good, but also go the extra mile and do whatever we can to prevent other people from sinning as well. Hindi lang tayo ang dapat mabait, dapat pati ibang tao.

In the gospel, we see Jesus giving us a lot of examples and commandments to live by. He is setting the bar high. He wants us to love even the unlovable and even if it is not easy and comfortable to love. He wants us to be detached from this world, from material things, from our pride and from money. Only then will we be able to love like God. As we do our part and step out of our comfort zone to love beyond our means, to love like God, we will experience immense blessings from God.

What is my standard in living? Do I do good to be saved or to please God? Do I also want others to be saved? Do I do my part, even if it is difficult to, to bring others to Christ as well? Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone and love the unlovable, do the things I cannot do, so that I may more and more love like Christ? Do I trust Him that he could change me and make me love beyond how I think I can?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Lord, we are sinners, yet you do not give up on us. Your love is constant and unchanging. I ask that I always be sensitive and thankful for that love. I ask that I experience that love, I be moved to love others in the way you love me. Help me step out of my comfort zone and go the extra mile for others out of my love for you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

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