Friday, September 14, 2012

He Emptied Himself

The WORD today (See reminds us that we need to empty ourselves so God can fill us up and use us.

We see the story of the bronze serpent who heals those bitten by serpents. In the gospel, we are reminded of Jesus being lifted up and healing, curing and saving peope, more than the serpent in the first reading. (See related reflection: ).

What made it possible for Jesus to do this? I believe it is because he emptoed himself.

He was God, but took human form so that we can relate to Him, so that we will know that it is possible to do these things through God’s power. He gave up everything, even being one with God – when he bore our sins on the cross. He lived a simple life, carpenter’s son, and preached the earth in a way we could relate to and understand. He emptied himself and allowed God to fill him and use him – that is why he was able to accomplish great things and gave glory to God.

What about us? Are we full of ourselves – our worldly achievements, power, possessions, that we don’t give space to God? Are we hanging on to these worldly things that prevent us from fully following God? Are we willing to empty ourselves with all that we have, and allow God to fill us up and use us for his purpose?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you don’t look at my credentials or accomplishments, rather, you look at my heart. Lord, I ask that you help me empty myself out and allow you to fill me with everything that is of you. As I do this, I have faith that you will use me mightily for your purpose and for your glory. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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