Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sacrifice of Praise

The WORD today (see tells us what else we can sacrifice to God.

When we hear the word sacrifice, the first thing that comes to mind is usually related to something negative. It usually means giving up something. I will not drink softdrinks as a sacrifice. I will not eat rice or desserts. I will not shop. In ancient times, they sacrificed meat and other things. They gave these things up for God (although others did the same to false gods). However, today’s reading gives us another perspective on sacrifice – something positive.

We can sacrifice in a positive way as well. Instead of giving up something, we can start doing something. I will attend mass aside from the Sunday mass. I will start praying the rosary. I will start praying everyday. I will read the bible everyday. These are sacrifices that makes us start to do something good – for God.

The WORD tells us to give God a sacrifice of praise. We are asked to praise God in everything – not only in joys and victories, but in defeats and sorrows as well. In the gospel, we see situations of sorrow, especially for our dear Mama Mary. The situations may be sorrowful, but I believe Mama Mary continued to praise God for everything, despite of the situation. A quote from one of my favourite movies, Facing the Giants, says ; If we win, we praise Him, and if we lose, we still praise Him. God does not desire our victory as much as our praise – win or lose.

What is my notion of sacrifice? Am I aware and willing to sacrifice in a positive way? When do I praise God? Do I praise Him in all situations in my life?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Lord, today, I ask that I be aware that I should always praise you, no matter what the situation may be. Help me to give you praise and glory in whatever I do and in whatever situation I may be in. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend!

In Christ,

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