Friday, February 28, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to honor our word.

An excerpt of the first reading says

let your “Yes” mean “Yes” and your “No” mean “No,” that you may not incur condemnation

God wants us to honor our word. To be true to our word. Talk is cheap so he wants us to back it up with actions. He wants our words to be consistent with our actions - in our worldly life and our spiritual life.

When we give our word, when we say something, God wants us to mean it, to do our best to keep it, to honor it, and to stick to it. In worldly life this is important, but more so in spiritual life. When we say we love God and we want to follow him, we should be ready to live it. God expects us to live it - that we be willing to die of ourselves and our selfish desires, and allow God to live through us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend coming up. Lord i thank you for reminding me how important to you my word is. May I always do my best to honor it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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