Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Be Poor

Sharing with you the responsorial psalm today

The Lord hears the cry of the poor

What does poor refer to? Personally, I believe it is being poor in spirit. We could see that in the readings today. The first reading shows us the Apostles being poor in spirit and relying totally on God. They trusted in God completely that they subjected themselves to be imprisoned by the jealous Sadducees. They were also poor in spirit, empty of themselves, and obeyed God when he sent an angel to free them and told them to resume preaching. They obeyed even if they knew the risks. And when they were caught again, they again subjected themselves. They were poor in spirit, empty of themselves and just relied totally in God – like Jesus who obeyed God’s will and subjected himself even until death on the cross.

The gospel says whoever believes in Jesus will not be condemned, and that whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God. We can only truly believe in Jesus and follow his teachings if we empty ourselves of our own selfish and personal desires and allow God to fill us with his spirit. We can only live the truth if we live our lives pleasing to God, living our lives seeking and following God’s will, not ours. We can really be a true disciple of God and make him happy by emptying ourselves with our own desires and be like a poor person, totally depending on God for everything.

What do I think of when I hear the word “poor”? Am I full of myself and my own personal desires and plans? Does God have a place in my life? Am I willing to be poor in spirit and totally dependent on God? What prevents me from surrendering myself and dying of myself so God may live in me?

God bless!

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