Friday, April 20, 2012

In your face

The readings today are the continuation of yesterday’s, and I believe they still give the same message, be poor in spirit (See reflection:

However, I was struck by a particular line in the first reading:

We must obey God rather than men

Imagine the apostles saying this in the face of the “powerful” people during that time. How inspiring! How courageous they were in proclaiming God’s word. Something we could aspire to have as we live our lives.

Sometimes we are not as courageous in living our faith. Sometimes we shy away from defending our faith in God. Sometimes, when faced with “powerful” people, we keep silent and conform to the norms.

What am I afraid of? Am I courageous enough to defend my faith? In what circumstances do I seem to deny my faith? What can I do to improve my faith?

May we be inspired to work on our faith and be courageous enough to defend it.

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