Friday, April 20, 2012

Human origin or Divine?

Sharing with you an excerpt from today’s first reading

So now I tell you,
have nothing to do with these men, and let them go.
For if this endeavor or this activity is of human origin,
it will destroy itself.
But if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them;
you may even find yourselves fighting against God."

This is just something worth taking note of. If it is of human origin, it will eventually die, but if it’s from God, nothing can stop it. In the first reading, nothing, not even warnings or whipping, can stop the apostles from proclaiming the kingdom of God, from spreading his Word. We know that until now, nothing can stop the work of God.

In the gospel, we see a challenge presented. How would the apostles react to this seemingly impossible situation? Yes, at this point, they lacked faith (but we see in the first reading that they eventually learned from Jesus). However, we can see that in here, not even the seemingly impossible situation can stop Jesus from glorifying God.

In our lives, we will face a lot of challenges. They may seem intimidating at first, but we should always remember that if it is not from God, it will eventually die. This was why Jesus was so calm, because he knew what was from God, he had faith in God. Just as he knew it will eventually die, he also knew that nothing can stop God’s work. No enemy is powerful enough to stop God’s work. May we always remember this as we serve and live our lives in glory of Him.

Do I have faith in God? Do I allow myself to trust in Him completely, knowing that nothing can stop God’s work? Am I intimidated by life’s seemingly impossible challenges, or do I know that nothing is impossible with God? Do I allow myself to be used by God, knowing that he will magnify whatever little I can offer to him?

God bless!

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