Saturday, April 21, 2012

Do not be afraid

The gospel today shows us the disciples seeing Jesus walking on water towards the boat they were in. They were afraid, and Jesus quickly assures them that there’s nothing to be afraid of…then before they could ask Jesus to join them, they immediately got to their destination.

Again, the gospel reminds me not to be afraid. God knows that we are feeling, and he is sensitive to our feelings. He is always telling us not to be afraid, to just focus on Him – his love and his power. As we focus on Him, and as we recognize him, we will realize that there’s nothing to be afraid of, and before we know it, what we were initially afraid of is suddenly gone. Yes, ganon if we focus on Jesus.

Right now, what am I afraid of? Do I realize that Jesus is stronger and more powerful than anything that I am afraid of? Do I come to Jesus? Do I consciously put my focus on Him? How can I strengthen my faith in him?

Stay blessed!

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