Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jesus Saves!

The readings today show us that Jesus saves

In the first reading, we see Jesus suffering to save us from our sins, yet God still loves us so much that he gives us opportunities to repent and correct the way we live our lives. The second reading reinforces this, that Jesus  is expiation for our sins. Yes, sa lahat ng kasalanan natin. However, with this comes a responsibility to know him and keep his commandments. We should also do our part, hindi pwedeng si Jesus lang mag isa.

In the gospel, Jesus saves them from fear and ignorance. He again gave them peace and he opened their minds to understand the scriptures – to know Him more and to serve him better. As we pray and get to know him more, we will be better equipped to serve him and  give him our best in everything.

Jesus opened their minds so they can serve him better, so that they would be better equipped as they proclaim Him. Yes, the disciples kept Jesus commandments. We too are encouraged to keep His commandments. We too are expected to proclaim his word, to be living witnesses to other people of how great his love is, of how real his love is, of how powerful he is, of how merciful he is. These are things we can do everyday, in our own little way, to proclaim Jesus and make him alive through us, through the way we live our lives.

Do I know that Jesus saves? How can I be more like Jesus? Do I constantly pray so I would know Him more and be like Him? How can I make him more alive in my life and in the lives of people around me?

May we remember that in our own simple ways, we can be ambassadors of Christ and make him alive through the way we live our lives!

God bless!

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