Monday, April 23, 2012

Believe and obey

The readings today remind us that we should first, believe in Jesus. We need to have full faith in Jesus. Second, out of that faith, we should follow Him. We should live our lives honouring his commandments and following his ways.

In the gospel, when the disciples asked Jesus what they can do to accomplish the works of God, Jesus told them to believe in the one he sent. They should believe in Jesus, the one God sent. Then the psalmist says that we should follow the law of the Lord. Yes, it is not enough that we believe, we should also act – follow God’s commands. As we do these things, we will be blessed – like Stephen in the first reading who was filled with grace and power as he was proclaiming God’s kingdom. Aside from this, we will have peace, like Stephen, that in spite of people challenging us, we know that God is on our side, and that we are peaceful, as shown by his face like that of an angel.

Do I believe in Jesus and his teachings, or do I just select what I believe, those I am comfortable with? What do I do to improve my faith in God? Does my belief and faith translate into actions, or am I stuck in realizations and concepts? What specific thing can I do today to improve my faith and to translate that faith into action?

May we work on building our faith and translating that into action. Little by little, everyday.

God bless!

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