Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obey and submit

Today’s first reading tells of what God can do to and through us if we are sensitive and obedient to him.

The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip and told him to go to a certain direction. He did not ask why, Philip just obeyed. Then he saw a high official, the Ethiopian eunuch, and Philip was told to go and join with the eunuch’s chariot. Again, Philip did not question, he did not fear, rather he just obeyed. Then we see God giving him what he needs to explain about the Scriptures and about Jesus. Then he eunuch had himself baptized, and Philip was carried away by God’s spirit. Astig!

We are reminded again to obey and trust in God. We should be sensitive to him, and just obey as he tells us something. Yes, God equips and he will work wonders to and through us if we just obey him – if we just surrender ourselves and our own will, and let his will live in us.

What particular instance in my life did I let God take control? What great thing has he done to and through me as I gave him control of my life, as I surrendered to him?

Yes, he will do great things to and through you, just submit to him.

God bless!

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