Friday, April 27, 2012

Proclaim the word to the world

The readings today ask us to proclaim the word to the world. Tell the world of his love.

In the first reading, after Saul was made aware of Jesus and experienced him, he immediately proclaimed Jesus! From a man zealously persecuting Jesus’ followers, he was now one of those proclaiming Christ! Indeed, he followed Christ’s command to go out and proclaim the good news!

We can only proclaim Christ if we know him. We can only be effective if we have a personal relationship with Christ. IF we see him as he says in the gospel, as the giver of life, and if we anchor our life on that believe, we will be able to proclaim him more effectively because we ourselves believe it so.

How can I proclaim Christ? How can I build God’s kingdom? In our own little way, in the way we live our lives, we can be living witnesses of God’s love, power and greatness. We don’t necessarily have to go to pagan countries and spread the good news. Merely by consistently living a life anchored on Christ, we will be able to proclaim God’s kingdom here on earth.

Let us take this challenge, and start today.

God bless!

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