Sunday, March 10, 2013


The WORD today (see reminds me that we should be humble.

I gave a talk on building God-centered relationships, and one of the things discussed was being humble. In real relationships, there is humility.

What is humility?

They say it is not about thinking less of yourself, but rather, thinking of yourself less.

All of us were made by God. All of us are God’s masterpieces. All of us are special. This is why we should not think less of ourselves.  We should not look down on ourselves and feel we are useless or very common with nothing to contribute to the world, nothing to contribute to God’s plan.

We should, however, think of ourselves less. We should think more of others. We should be more sensitive to others. As we think of others more, we think of God more. Yesterday’s gospel says that the second greatest commandment is love your neighbour as yourself.

Like John the Baptist, we should be humble enough and not want attention to ourselves. We should be focusing the attention on God. “He (Jesus) should increase while I should decrease” says John the Baptist.

As we put God first, we humble ourselves and face him, knowing we are sinful yet repentant servants ready to do his work. As Jesus says in the gospel, God loves that. We should be humble enough to admit that we are sinners, and this humility should bring us to be merciful to others, as stated in the first reading and gospel.

May we develop a humble heart as we serve God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how important it is to be humble. Help me always put the focus on you, that despite all my worldly accomplishments, may I never forget to put myself above others, but humble myself and know that I am a sinner, I am a creation of you that should always be ready to serve you and live my life for your praise, honor and glory. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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