Friday, March 8, 2013

Still Simple

The WORD today (see reminds me that following God is still simple

In the gospel, Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment. Jesus replied:

Jesus replied, “The first is this:
Hear, O Israel!
The Lord our God is Lord alone!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.

The second is this:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other commandment greater than these

Come to think of it, following God is simple. Living for God is simple. We are asked to love God above all and give him all we’ve got, and second is to love others and treat them right.

Nowadays, life is getting different. Life is not as simple as it was before. People used to say that life was much simpler before – no TVs, gadgets and internet. People work but are able to spend more time with family. Children play not with their iPads but with each other, exploring the world with their friends. Nowadays, people get distracted with the lure of the world. These modern gadgets and devices, the internet and all these downloadable shows and series, somehow make things different. We tend to work longer to be able to afford buying gadgets and sustaining a certain lifestyle. We tend to spend less time with others and more with our gadgets. instead of only thinking of our basic needs, of our family and friends, we now also think of how we can maximize the internet with our gadgets, we check if we have internet signal or if our gadgets have enough battery remaining. Life is not that simple anymore.

However, God’s commands are still the same. It is still simple. Despite the way things are now, God is constant. Love God above all. Treat others right. These two greatest commandments still holds true, and God still expects us to do these two, no matter how different our lives may have been now.

Father God,
Thank you for giving me another day to live. Thank you for your simple commandments that is constant. Lord, these may not be easy to live by, these may not be easy to do but I thank you for it never changes. You do not change with the times, you are consistent and it reminds me that you will always be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Your love will always be there for me. Your mercy is eternal. Thank you because amidst this complicated world, I have simple guidelines to follow so I can please you, so I can live my life in service of you. Amen.

Happy Friday!

In Christ,

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