Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pay It Forward

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/030513.cfm) reminds me to pay it forward.

Losing my temper is while driving is not uncommon to me, especially when I am in a hurry. I would use my horn excessively, and would not give way to other drivers. Me first, then others. This attitude of mine is something my girlfriend always tries to manage. She tells me to be extra nice to other drivers, give way and be patient with them, because it will ripple the good effect, that people who receive good acts tend to pay it fowrad. This made me more aware of it, and true enough, when I am on the receiving end of another driver’s good will on the road, I tend to appreciate it and want to pay it forward as well.

God wants us to pay it forward. God wants us to pass the forgiveness mercy, and love we receive from God.

In the parable, the man was forgiven his debts, but instead of paying it forward to others, he did the opposite. He was harsh on others, forgetting the mercy he received. This got the master angry, who had him tortured until he paid the last penny of his debt.

God’s forgiveness, mercy, blessings and love should not stop at us.

Like running water, God’s love, blessings and forgiveness do not run out. It continues to flow. Our hands, however, are limited. We can only get so much water. If we close our hands, yes, we may keep the water we have, but it will eventually run out and we will not be able to receive new blessings. The only way we can receive continuous blessings from God is if we open our hearts, open our hands, and let his blessings flow through us. Same is true for God’s forgiveness,  mercy and love.

May we always be sensitive to whatever we receive from God, and open our hearts and hands to give more so we can receive more.

Am I too attached to my blessings that I close my hands and hold on to them? Am I willing to share these things with others? Do I realize that I cannot hold on to something, that as I close my hands, they will eventually become empty. Do I realize that the only way to receive new and continuous blessings from God is to open my heart and my hand and let these blessings flow to others through me? Am I willing to pay forward whatever I receive from God?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your generous heart that your love, mercy and forgiveness never run out. Lord, I ask that you help me open up my heart, may I be willing to be used as your vessel of love. May I be willing to let these blessings flow through me and not try to hold on to them and keep them. May I always remember that the only way to receive continuous blessings and love is to open my heart and allow these things to flow to others through me. As I receive these blessings, mercy, forgiveness and love from you, may I also in my own little way let others experience these as well. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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