Monday, March 4, 2013

Do Your Part

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should also do our part and not just leave everything to God.

A lot of people pray. It is relatively easy to pray. We lift our concerns to God, we ask for help, we pray for the things we want. God is also very accessible. You can pray anywhere, whatever you’re doing. God adjusts to us, and meets us where we are.

However, doing is not as easy. Actually moving our body, doing something for God, and doing what God wants, is not that easy – especially when it’s not what we expect or want.

In the first reading we see Naaman, a highly esteemed and respected man, but was a leper. When he was told to go to the prophet of Samaria – Elisha. Of course, he was excited to go, expecting to be cured of leprosy. He travelled  and eventually when he came to the door of Elisha, he was surprised when he was told to wash himself seven times to be clean.

He was hesitant and became angry. God’s response was different from what he expected.

How often do we feel the same? How often do we want God to conform to our needs, to our wants, to our desires? How often do we want changes in our lives, in our families, and in our country, but are unwilling to do our part. How often do we pray and expect God to do everything, thinking that we already prayed and put our faith in God, without acting, without doing our part, without living our faith.

We need to act, like Naaman who eventually did what he was told and washed himself in the river, and not just expect God to do everything for us. We need to act, even if it is not what we expect to receive from God. We need to put our faith, our prayer, in action.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day. Lord, I ask that as I start this week, you help me challenge myself to act. May I not be contented in merely praying, in merely saying I trust in you, but also move my feet and act. I know Lord you are powerful, but you also need me to act and live my faith so that you may work in my life and through my life. Amen.

Blessed Monday.

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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