Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Simply Amazing

The WORD today (see reminds me how amazing God is

In the first reading, we see one of the visually amazing stories in the old testament. We see three people being unhurt by fire. Not only that, Jesus came to rescue them. How cool is that!

It must have been a great scene! Three people were unhurt by fire. Three people stood firmly on their faith, trusting in God. As a result, the king and the whole nation witnessed how great, powerful and loving God is.

Good news – God does not stop in the old testament!

Right now, there are still miracles and manifestations of God’s amazing power, love and mercy. These may not be as exciting as persecuted followers unharmed by fire, but in our day to day lives, God still sends us how amazing love and power.

Yesterday, the new Pope, Francis, was officially installed. In the past few days we have seen great news about him – how simple and humble he is -  instead of using the limousine, he rode the bus with the cardinals to pay for his lodging for the conclave, he celebrates mass in a small chapel and even goes around to greet the people after,  he did not parade on a glass covered pope mobile, and even steps out of his open vehicle to kiss and bless children and give a special blessing to one of the sick people in his path, he chose ordinary black leather shoes made by a normal shoemaker instead of the red branded shoes he can opt to wear. These are manifestations of God’s love for us his people, giving us a simple, humble Pope we can all serve God with.

Here in the Philippines, God continues to make his amazing love more evident. Even if the Reproductive Health law was passed a few months back, yesterday the supreme court ordered an order to suspend its implementation for a good four months! Hopefully people will realize that the billions they plan to spend on condoms and contraceptives can be used for other more worthwhile projects of the government – such as education.

Today, God still makes his amazing love, power and mercy alive in our lives. We just need to continue to trust in Him, just like the three people did in the first reading. Like them, and like Suzanna in the reading last Monday, may we not yield to earthly power and authority, but be ready to yield only to God, having full faith in his love and power.

Father God,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for the new things I am learning today. Thank you for the amazing story today. Lord, I ask that you continue to help me build my faith in you. Help me trust in you completely and surrender only to you. I know that your power and love is everlasting. May I always have that faith, and be ready to suffer earthly pain in order to attain heavenly rewards in my life Amen.

Blessed midweek!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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