Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St Joseph

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/031913.cfm) encourages me to be like St Joseph.

Today, we celebrate the feast day of St Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. is known about him – but we knew he had an important role in the salvation history. He was there to help, support and care for Mama Mary when she was pregnant with Jesus. He was the earthly father who took care of Jesus as an infant, and probably taught him carpentry. We cannot deny he was a true follower of God. In today’s reading, we see him having the decency and righetousness not to want Mary to be exposed to shame for being pregnant without a husband. However, when the angel told him to take Mary into his home, he followed.

As human beings, it is very difficult to be like St Joseph. It is difficult to work silently for the Lord – people want to be praised and acknowledged. It is hard to put the welfare of others first – people think of themselves first – how they got hurt by the other person, and not think of the other person’s welfare first. It is difficult to follow God – especially when what he wants us to do is something difficult, challenging and will take us out of our comfort zones.

May we be inspired by St Joseph to put the welfare of others first, work silently for the Lord, and follow God no matter how challenging the situation may be.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for giving us St Joseph – a human being too but has the qualities of a great servant of God. Lord, I ask that you give me a heart like St Joseph. May I never want praise and attention to myself, but work hard and silently to build your kingdom. May I be sensitive to others and put the welfare of others above my own, above my concern. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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