Monday, March 18, 2013

Only To God

The WORD today (see challenges me to yield only to God

In the first reading, we see the story of Susanna. She was a beautiful and God fearing woman. When faced with a seemingly helpless situation, she still chose to yield to God, not to men with earthly power. She was willing to suffer death as long as she is pure and innocent in the eyes of God, rather than yield to the wicked men and sin against God.

Mama Mary’s situation is somewhat similar. She yielded to God, even if she did not know what exactly will happen. She surrendered to God, even if people might think badly of her for being pregnant outside marriage. She chose to yield to God and not think of human acceptance and conformity.

In this life, it is very difficult to yield only to God. There are powerful people around us that we feel obliged to yield to. There are situations and circumstances where we feel helpless to say no. there are peer pressures around us that forces us to act and think in a certain way. It is not easy, but we are challenged to yield only to God, to submit only to his will, to follow only his voice.

Whatever path we may be on right now, let us make the psalmist prayer ours too – “Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil, for you are at my side

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always being there at my side. Thank you for always guiding and protecting me, even if something I do not feel it, or I do not acknowledge it. Lord, I ask that you help me focus on you and yield only to you. Help me become strong with this world’s challenges and pressures, and submit only to your will. May I not be forced to conform and be pressured with the ways of the world, especially if it will lead me to sin against you. Amen.

Blessed Monday!

In Christ,

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