Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mercy and Grace

The WORD today (see reminds me how merciful and gracious God is.
I was working on one of my earlier projects at work a few years back. I was coordinating with another team, and was on the assumption that what we promised will be delivered to the client, in time for his presentation. However, a few days before the deadline, I was informed that there were challenges being experienced by the other team, and what they thought was feasible was something that will take a longer time. Day before the deadline, I informed the client on the situation and was expecting the worse – because we will not be able to deliver what we promised (I would really be mad and upset if I were in his position). However, to my surprise, he client took it well and was very calm in dealing with me.
I guess most, if not all of us, have experienced something similar. We have experienced grace and mercy from other people – when we least expect it and when we least deserve it. I believe this is God’s way of reaching out to us – not only to remind us and make us feel he loves us, but also to remind us and move us to action to pay it forward (in my situation, I did pay it forward in another situation)
The woman in the gospel received this from Jesus. Probably she was ready to die, because she was caught in the act and she knew what will happen. She did not even talk to Jesus and begged him to make the people stop. She knew what was coming. However, God’s grace and mercy comes when we least expect it. She was forgiven and was spared physical punishment – but with Jesus warning her not to commit it again.
May we be sensitive to God’s mercy and grace, and do our part to pass it forward.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Lord, I thank you for using other people to let me experience your love for me. Thank you for those surprises, thank you for those undeserved times I experience your mercy and your grace. Lord, I ask that as I experience them, I also am able to pass it to others and let them experience it through me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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