Saturday, March 16, 2013

Take Cover

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should take cover, take our refuge, in God. 
The first reading tells us that people have an evil plot against Jeremiah, but he remains to trust in God.  The psalmist echoes this as he says: “O Lord, my God, to you I take refuge.” And we can see in the gospel Christ’s challenges in his ministry.
All of us experience challenges in life. All of us, in one way or another, are persecuted for being followers of Christ. All of us need to take refuge in God. We need to refresh ourselves in him, and allow him to cover us from all the attacks we are experiencing.  
Only God can truly refresh us. Only God can truly satisfy us. Only God can truly protect us. May we seek refuge in Him, and not on anyone and anything of this world.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that as I experience challenges, you will always be there for me. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart that would always run to you when I have problems, challenges and difficulties. Help me to not be blinded by the world and take pleasure in what the world provides, but to always be planted on you. Amen.
Blessed day! 

In Christ,

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